In order for transformative Pluto to assist our makeover, we need to ‘let go’ of a deeply engrained part of our being, such as obsession, fear or desire that no longer serves our highest evolutionary good. And this may not be an easy a task to undertake, as to cut away from said fixation may well seem akin to ego-death. In the Buddhist sense, death is only part of cyclic existence. Death is not the end, though, only a change as we flow through the Samsaric Ocean. Renewing life is the most significant transmutation we make. When we place our trust in faith, love, and peace of mind, doubts and fear of death melt into the void. Ego, on the other hand, is the part of our being that thrives on pointless drama, anger, competition and lust; all aspects of the psyche that generate conflict, dread and panic, which kick and scream all the way to the final resting place. Endings can be admittedly difficult, as change makes us look at ourselves in the raw and send us reeling into shadow mode. Yet it is from that shaded place where we can see the light of creativity and inspiration. So in the midst of Solstice celebration a controlled sense of calm and sensitivity to what may initially seem like a sacrifice, such as breaking an ingrained negative habit, changing the way we think or feel about something or someone, can actually be an awakening to light any psychological or spiritual load and breathe new life into any flagging spirit.