Thursday 25 May 2017

❂ Fire bird Sakadawa ~> New Moon Gemini _/\_ 25th May 2017 ♊ 🙏

The New Gemini Moon of the Fire Bird Year (20:44BST) is perigee, meaning it is the closest New Moon to Earth of the year, with tides higher than usual - and emotions could also overflow up to three days after the New Moon.

For the Himalayan Buddhist this New Moon is the start of Sakadawa, and a karma multiplied month x100 that gains momentum until the Full Moon June 9th, when ka
rma is multiplied by 100 billion as we celebrate the Buddha’s enlightenment.

Although this sounds delightful in the need to be mindful of action and results, this is also a New Moon with two rather difficult astral signatures within its scope: one is how the Goddess of Love, Venus – now conjunct asteroid Pallas Athena - is bringing out the fearless warrior woman looking for serious change. And as Venus and Pallas square up to Pluto, the secretive planet of control, it puts the feminine archetype into a powerful position, which may or may not work. Successful outcomes depend upon intention and insight.

Another factor to take into account is one of my least favourite transits, that of feisty Mars in opposition (Rx) to taskmaster Saturn. This combination of the two planetary malefics can signify all kinds of hard-hitting bully-boy tactics. And as the Moon connects to this aspect over the weekend, it brings home harsh realities and how much work needs to be done to overcome doubt and fear. We would all do well to take an active responsibility within our various walks of life, so that can we find within the strength to overcome any fear that could stultify positive potential.

Back in the 80’s there used to be a popular phrase that I always found helpful which was ‘feel the fear – but do it anyway’; and Pema Chodron says in her book 'When things fall apart' "Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they are intimate with fear. When I was first married, my husband said I was one of the bravest people he knew. When I asked him why, he said because I was a complete coward but went ahead and did things anyhow." So be brave, my friends, as life goes on in its myriad of changes. Thankfully the planets begin to brighten up somewhat towards the middle of next week.
May all our new Moon intentions be helpful, especially to be free from the fear of suffering by the means of enlightened thoughts, words and activity. 🙏🌹

With many thanks for 'Chenrezig, Lord of Compassion', to unknown artist _/\_

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The artist is Marianna Rydval, a Swedish paiter that - as far as I know - resides in New York and Hawai. Check her out on this link:
Yours sincerely, Lama Tendar Olaf Hoeyer -