
Thursday 7 March 2019

The Anthropocene Age & the invention of plastic

Turn on that old vintage plastic radio and hear ye! With plastic pollution everywhere, literally everywhere, even in the human fetus, I began to wonder what is the astrological symbol of an such insidiousness 'Anthropocene Age', apart from the all-consuming Neptune, Pisces and 12th house connections. 

As usual, to answer an astrolgers' question it begins with finding a date and looking at a chart, or in this case, charts. Astrology is all about timing. So the logical question regarding this plastic age is, when did it start? I am not saying the dates I propose are 'it' i.e. the beginning of the Anthropocene age, but to my mind, one that has worked with plastic when I was at art school in the 70's and during my 80's special fx art dept days, as well as having to know the difference between early plastic, i.e. bakelite and bois durci when now looking at antiques, all the following dates must be taken into account.

The first, because it is truly synthetic, is the invention of Bakelite 
Patented Dec 7 1909
The chart is timed for when the patent office would open.

There's much astrological symbolism to be gleaned here, not least Eris in Pisces, Neptune opposite Uranus @19 Cap (key point imho for where we are now with the Saturn/Pluto/South Node (clearing karmic blocks), plus the Sun/Mercury Opp Pluto - and the Mars at 0 Aries.

There is also the solar chart for the Inventor
Leo Baekeland: The Father of The Plastics Industry
 With his death chart:

Followed by a solar chart award from the American Chemical Society
Put them all together...                           
For the moment I do not want to say too much about these dates, as there is so much symbolism to be read in them, especially the award chart. But I am going to say that we need to address the plastic situation now, and leave the charts here without any blame attached to anyone for this awful mess we humans have got ourselves into...

Now. How do we get out of it?... Where are the clues - and commitment to do so? Is it with the youth? It certainly doesn't seem to be with the powers who create the pollution problems in the first place.

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