
Monday 4 March 2019

Chiron in Aries 2019 -2026

"The Self unfolds itself for its Self"
Bhagavad Gita 
The art of being you, or the importance of the innate power of healing that lies within you, is now astrologically enhanced by Shamanic Chiron, shapeshifting into Aries, the sign of the ‘self’, i.e. how you perceive and present yourself is now up for a major boost in healing wisdom. Check where Aries, the sign of the head-butting Ram, is in your chart, because that’s where a celestial Spiritual Healing Warrior is nudging you into shamanic-style action. With a a 51-year cycle that will shift into Aries Feb 18th 2019, asteroid Chiron flows from watery Pisces into fiery Aries.

Chironic healing imports detox from poisonous addictions (drugs, alcohol, sugar, oil, phones, toxic people or ideas and situations); and in Aries Chiron urges us to be heroically in charge of our own sunny self, and to deal with hurt and harms and heal any overwhelm; and, perhaps most pertinently, to heal personal identity issues and the child within, be that physically, intellectually, psychically or spiritually, so that one can transform any suffering.

Chiron's healing gifts were taught to him by Apollo, the Sun God, who raised this mythical centaur: half Greek God, half horse, Chiron is portrayed muscular and strong. But Chiron is also socially withdrawn from the mainstream, preferring the world of dreamers and outsiders, such as those who enjoy their own company, poetic, musical, and kind yet wild. Considered just, wise and gentle, Chiron is the wounded Shaman cast out from the world of patriarchal elite, even though ‘Time Lord’ Saturn is his father. Mostly-man and half-beast, there are sometimes human front legs found in Greek depiction.

Chiron is also bestowed the skill of prophecy; and his own timeless wisdom is often found to be prominent in the horoscope of those who have a deep appreciation and love of nature and the healing arts. S
piritually connecting to the inner-self and healing through music, poetry, dreams, herbs, snake medicine (Kundalini), as well as through the incredible purifying power of water. Chiron's skills are compounded by proficient archery: he can hit the bullseye in an instant. This bright and sharp sighted astral alchemist will now stay in martial Aries, as a self-initiated Spiritual Healing Warrior, to activate and direct self-healing for seven years, only leaving April 2026.

Chiron in Aries points to, and strengthens, the Shamanic Healer’s intellect, i.e. by using one’s head (the part of the body ruled by Aries) to heal what needs to be cured and reconciled within in our most physical, immediate world, i.e. right now - at this very moment, even within the body: right view, right intention and right thought are crucial. Time now to perhaps instigate a fitness program. How we present our understanding of our ego-orientated selves to the natural world, now that requires a child-like wonder.

Be aware however, that notions and theories are just that: ideas and concepts can make reconcile personal identity within collective values easier, but not the true you.

For the next seven years, with Shamanic Chiron’s move into impulsive Aries, comes the chance-cum-challenge for each of us to become our own personal brave heroes, making our own individual quest one of healing our human self from generations (or centuries of poison and pollution), and to make a confident new start and therefore contribute to a faster, stronger healing (Aries is a sign that likes to move quickly). Hopefully, there will not be too many fast-moving and self-induced speeding accidents along the way. A certain beloved Rinpoche always would say 'Speed is Aggression'. And Chironic wounds are generally accidental, usually imposed by or born out of ignorance and carelessness, or even an immature longing to have or show 'what's meant to be mine'. We will need to watch out for this impetuous child within, blundering along with its' childish tricks and wants. But even if we do put our foot or hoof in it, just remember that it is through pain and suffering how the wounded-healer heals and develops compassion, by overcoming such (self) inflicted wounds. Chiron is even able to commune with the Spirits of the land, sea and air, those seen or unseen, making pacts with the Gods in order to heal and end any suffering.

In the sign of Aries, positive Chironic healing is also rapid - and daring. Negatively, it can also indicate fast moving harm. Implementing measures that quickly adjust the view and/or perception we have of ourselves, especially in relationship as an individual within our peer-connected friendship circle will mark the emergence of the Spiritual Healing Warrior - someone who is at ease within, able to self-heal the mind (even if the body has other karma), and who is willing to fight for a cause that protects each precious rebirth with confidence, wisdom, and loving kindness.

As the quote from the Bhagavad Gita 'the self unfolds for itself' indicates: within the self-motivating individual self there is also the diverse unity within all that is.

With ℒℴѵℯ _/\_ 🌹 🌹 🌹❤ & 
Unknown photographer of beautiful Nechung Oracle in vintage photo _/\_ 
To S.I. Borisov for photo of Russian Shawoman from postcard 1908
The Sargent Collection–Gift of Miss Emily Sargent and Mrs. Violet Ormond in memory of their brother, John Singer Sargent for sketch of Chiron & Achillies

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