
Sunday 3 May 2015

Buddha Purnima ~ ☼ ♉ -- ◯ ♏ 3rd/4th May

Buddha Purnima – Wesak - Vesak is the Full Moon (exact tonight/tomorrow morning 4:42BST @14 Scorpio) when much of southern Asia celebrates the birth, death and paranirvana of Gothama Siddartha Buddha. The Himalayan Buddhist community will celebrate the same features during Saka Dawa, the ‘Star Moon’ next month (June 2nd).

☸ Like the Buddha, one can reap now profound insights during this extremely powerful Full Scorpio Moon, which one can apply to maintain a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional stability. Spirit Sun in Taurus encourages us to appreciate what is of value in this life. Whereas the Scorpio Moon imparts an inner sensibility, which intuitively knows when it is time for renewal, and when to let go or ideals, materials and even people that no longer serve the union of spirit and soul, and the part one plays within the soul groups’ contract.

☸ With both Sun and Moon in hard aspect to expansive Jupiter in generous Leo, this tends to magnify any self-made drama so it is essential that we become big-hearted, kind to ourselves and others and generate faith in our optimism. While it is important to harness Jupiter’s ability to view a bigger picture, it is also imperative to be realistic, and keep a close eye upon personal expectations. With Jupiter’s unrestrained nature we can set ourselves up for disappointment if we watch things, people and events come and go without understanding that all is transitory.

☸ This Full Moon is also called 'the Flower Moon'. Buddhists use the symbol of a flower to symbolise life’s fleeting nature: resting one’s gaze upon nature we can appreciate the beauty and joy inherent in all things, yet understanding that beauty fades and dies, only for the seed of consciousness to be reborn, by releasing any propensity to rely upon the material world for fulfilment. Now is the time for the spiritual seed of enlightenment to grow and shine.

With thanks to Visual Alchemy for Beautiful Buddha, & sending ℒℴѵℯ on the moonbeams, especially to everyone in beloved Nepal, where there were 3 more eathquakes today, and renewal is for the future to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, but for many survival is the present. Please give generously: a kind thought, prayer or donation can go a long way.
Thank you, Laura
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