
Saturday 25 April 2015

Medicine Buddha for all those affected by the 7.9 Earthquake in Nepal ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_

April 25th 2015 ~> _/♥\_
Due to several dramatic events this week, the volcano in Chile, and two quakes, in New Zealand and Nepal, I’ve been asked as to why now, seeing as we are not in the usual time-frame of eclipse season? Firstly, the Sun has been fairly active mid-week (and we on Earth tend to lag a few days behind solar activity's effects); and though not so large, solar flares have been medium sized but rather long lasting, releasing vast and unstable electromagnetic plumes from a northerly direction (entering into Earth’s crown chakra, Tibet/Nepal, and more lightly through southerly base chakra, NZ).

Earth is also crossing a point in the sky called the ‘heliospheric current sheet’; this is when planet Earth experiences Sun’s magnetic polarity changing from north to south. This is a time of planetary adjustment (which can wreak seemingly widespread damage, espcially if other planetary configurations interact, such as now).These are not the only astrological/astronomical markers: Also significant is the conjunction of quicksilver Mercury and fiery Mars, both in earthy Taurus (on the exact point of their own nodes (yes, each planet also has its' own nodal/eclipse cycle)); In square to Jupiter, the planet of expansion in Leo, this combination of Jupiter, Mars & Mercury means dramatic shake-ups are fast and furious. With the Sun also in Taurus and the Moon now uniting in generous Leo with the cosmic Guru, Jupiter, this fixed and extremely determined combination of ‘The Lights’ accents the value of the creative tension, the divine spark inherent in all beings, as well as the ability to quickly heal, with focus and care.

It’s also a medicine Buddha - Tara Moon day (depending upon which tradition is followed), the first quarter moon, a time of crisis in action, when the healing emphasis is upon stabilising one self (the earth and others) by connecting to the natural world, and seeing artistic and cultural value, as well as surrounding precious resources.

As all helping hands and deities are needed today, especially in Nepal, here are both mantras:
Medicine Buddha is:
And Tara mantra is “OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA” _/\_
With thanks to Dechen Choekhor Mahavihara for Medicine Buddha mandala_/♥\_

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