
Saturday 19 July 2014

☆ Tara Moon ~ Medicine Buddha 18 -19th July 2014 _/✿\_

For the Last Quarter Cancerian Tara lunation, The Lights, Sun & Moon, are in mutual reception - meaning the luminaries get along very well: Sun in Cancer is in the Moon’s natural domain, and the Aries Moon is in the sphere of the Sun’s exaltation. Spirit and soul flow and merge and quickly, to eliminate emotional, physical or mental blocks. This mighty combination is dynamic and Cardinal in quality, and usually overcomes problems swiftly, with care and kindness.

This Last Quarter Moon is also with the South Node. Any sense of chaos, aggression or confusion could spark off a feeling of ‘Déjà vu’. A healing balance is found within a refuge, at home and/or in the dharma. This particular Last Quarter Moon urges us to consider the welfare of others, as well as look after self; Indeed, it is imperative to look after ourselves first, to build and acknowledge the strength to remove personal obstacles before we help others. This is not a cowardly move, but a fearless spiritual warrior must be clear and strong within, in order to assume the responsibility that leading the field and caring for others entails.

Now is the time to invoke the help of the powerful Goddess and healing Buddha (within), and be mindful about what we choose to nourish ourselves with, in regards to body, speech, and mind.
Tara mantra "Om Tara Tutare Ture Soha" __/\__

with ℒℴѵℯ __/\__ ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸

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