
Tuesday 22 July 2014

ॐ Dakini Day! 21st July ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_

_/✿\_ ~ > Taking refuge in the Divine Feminine, Dakini bliss is found within the practice of compassion as well as within our sangha and family, and communing within our environment, our truth, our love.

As we come to the end of this Cancerian lunation there is much to contemplate as two heavyweight planets, Saturn and Uranus, switch direction, reminding how impermanence itself can even lead to ‘the suffering of change’. Taskmaster Saturn is now going forward after four-and-a-half months of retrograde motion. So look to mid-degrees Scorpio in your horoscope and see what, exactly, is now going ahead with greater responsibility and Saturn’s wisdom and skill. And to appreciate the interconnected web of life, Uranus internalises the focus of mid-degrees Aries (and by extension all Cardinal signs: Libra, Cancer & Capricorn), to be expressed in five months’ time, on the New Moon at Winter Solstice.

In astrology, Uranus is associated with the Heavens and the spacy chaos that requires altruism and cooperation to experience personal freedom and collective liberation. Time now, therefore, to give oneself space for a little ‘Omphaloskepsis’, which literally means "contemplating one's navel", especially powerful with the soulful Moon making her last major aspect to the Sun before a New Leo Moon (to conjunct Jupiter, making the Sun-ruled Leo Lunation a biggie!) Saturday, 26th July.

Before then, taking a cue from the Dakini Goddess, who shows compassion to all beings, there is much to be said for hugging trees, talking to plants, stroking animals, and being with those we feel close to. Whichever side of the globe, wherever you are, take time now to be in the garden, walk in the park, stroll along the beach – anywhere that allows you to feel at one with nature and feed the heart-mind with helpful positivity, and release potentially destructive emotions in a safe and nurturing setting.

AstroTech & info : If you’d like to know where the currently critical quincunx between Saturn & Uranus lies in your personal horoscope, please contact me here for rates.

Thank you _/✿\_ with love & thanks
Happy Dakini Day! ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_ॐ_/♥\_

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