
Sunday 28 October 2012

Scorpio Sun ☼ Taurus Full Moon ~> Karmic Love

Tomorrow’s Full Taurus Halloween Moon (Monday 29th October at 19:51 GMT; 15:51EST; Delhi Tuesday 30th 1:21am:) is already INTENSE. Opposite the mysterious and secretive Scorpio Sun, currently conjunct karmic Saturn, this full Moon prompts a deeper understanding of how karma works, which is fundamental to our individual and collective transformation, now cosmically symbolised by Saturn in Scorpio. 

When we are conscious of the karmic ‘law of cause and effect’ (and how we even create karma in our sleep!) we can then develop faith and trust to mindfully raise our spiritual vibration and keep the love in our heart. Scorpio is THE sign of trust. As a fixed water sign, Scorpio accents powerful renewal and that part of our self which has the strength to let go of something which no longer serves. For it is often only when something dies that we discover our deepest emotions; and an inexhaustible well of concentrated potency comes to life through the revived power of Spirit. Through confronting death - as in the loss of a loved one, finances, ideas, things, or even through loss of ego identity in sexual union, any of these experiences can transport us into the very depths of our being, so that we release the outmoded to emerge stronger and wiser and be reborn. Saturn’s two year sojourn in Scorpio highlights the sustained discipline needed to continue the dramatic make-over. And as 2012 draws to a close, Saturn begins to form a harmonious aspect with Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler, so we’d be wise to utilise Saturn’s other gifts – patience and prudence in our revitalising process.

Exalted in Taurus (the best possible sign for the Moon to be:)), the Halloween full Moon casts a very good aspect to Pluto, Scorpio’s modern ruler, reminding us that the power of LOVE works hand in hand with the power of RENEWal.

It is also the full Moon which marks the run up to the second of this year’s ‘eclipse season’, with a new Moon solar eclipse on the 13th November, and its’ pairing full Moon lunar eclipse on the 28th November. During this time, seismic shifts happen within our personal consciousness and as well as with Mother Earth.

Before then though, Buddhists will celebrate Lord Buddha’s acceptance to descend from the 'God Realms of Thirty Three tomorrow'; the actual descent is commemorated on 6th November. (More on that to come from me, when I shall be on retreat with one of my most venerated living masters, Jangtse Choje Rinpoche Lobsang Tenzin).

Until then I leave you with a quote "The more you are motivated by Love, The more Fearless & Free your actions will be."

~ H.H. Dalai Lama ~

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