
Tuesday 16 October 2012

New Libra Moon ~> Oct 2012

Change is now very much in the air. The leaves are turning colour and falling – slowly (in northern hemisphere), and tomorrow’s new Libra Moon (at 13:02 British Summer time, 8:02EST) highlights the need for LOVE and a peaceful heart-mind in the midst of continued transformation, as well as a realistic view and practical plan in order to concretise dreams.

Luckily, dynamic Mars, currently in soul-se

eking Sagittarius, prompts our Spiritual Warrior into action. The scarlet planet makes spectacular celestial aspects in this fresh quest for truth, respect, and freedom; now separating from a confrontation with nebulous Neptune, clouds of confusion could even be lifting – though the intensity of concerns persists. Yet with personal responsibility accepted, authority riven veils may also lift to reveal a crack of light in the darkness. The way is thus clearing for potential growth (difficult, slow and rewarding) and/or quick-change (much easier, especially when seen as part of a long-term process).

At the same time as tomorrow’s new moon (at 22 degrees Libra) – which holds a mixed celestial message of loving kindness and harmony through special insight and responsible engagement – fiery Mars forms an intense but helpful trine (120 degrees) aspect to awakening Uranus; this, (due to Mars being the ruler of Aries, the sign in which Uranus currently resides) is a particularly strong connection that instills bravery and rallies competition, be that with self or others. Passions may therefore also be quick to rise throughout this dark and new Moon phase.

It’s a wise Spiritual Warrior who now implements self-initiated change within one’s own personality and lifestyle, anticipating compromise in relations to others before getting too hot under the Martian collar. Best bear in mind how anger wipes out any hard-earned points in the karmic merit bank, and know there is strength to be gained as mindful self-improvement makes for an altruistic heart.

The collective higher mind is currently evolving by transmuting selfishness into selflessness; tap into this mind set and it will be surprisingly easier to experience connectivity, co-operation, and spiritual liberation. Alice A. Bailey refers to the energy surrounding a Libra moon such as this as the opportunity to "escape from opposing forces at the midway point between the source and the goal", which is the point of balance and beauty.

If you think this new moon is a good time to have an astrology reading and discover your own point of balance and beauty, please check my blog for rates.

image by Catherine Nelson

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