
Saturday 23 June 2012

Heart Star Solstice June 2012

Time now to tune into the unconditional warmth and clear light of heaven's inner radiance, feed the Spirit, and and shine like the Sun _(♥)_.•✩¨¯☼:) Our Heart Star, the Sun, is at standstill, and the cosmic wheel of light is poised to turn. Whichever part of the world you are, in the north where summer Sun is high, or south where winter Sun is low, Solstice marks a change of direction, and is when clans traditionally gather to affirm heartfelt connections.

This Solstice Sun makes a magical trine aspect to both manifesting Saturn and spiriutal Neptune, helping one to realise dreams, as well as stabilise meditation practice.

Happy Solstice! __/♥\__ .•✩¨¯`•☆٠.•..•¨*☽☀★

A new moon commenced just before Solstice and upon reflection, it ended what was a most memorable month with eclipses and the Venus transit, which events in our life surely mirror.

♥ Venus governs Libra, where Saturn is exalted. Saturn has been retrograde throughout the period, for the past four months, working on the heart and learning to love from the wisdom gained from life’s harder lessons. Saturn is soon to be going forward on Tuesday 26th, after Solstice, a New Moon and Venus also slowing down to station and  go forward on the 28th June. Hooray :) ♥

Centred at the heart and in relationship, a Libran Saturn at station to go forward is a very powerful ‘station’, in as much as it has the potential to hone-in upon karmic core-issues and go forward in peace, love and unity. Check 22 degrees Libra in your chart and see where you are currently showing considerable discipline by learning to love .  And check 7 degrees Gemini as to where self-love and self-appreciation has been processed.


The illustration is of the beautiful Goddess Prajnaparamta, Tibetan Goddess of Transcendent Wisdom, mother of all Buddhas and Bodhistavas, said to be an emmenation of Tara, holding the book of LOVE ♥

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha _(♥)_


Before the 26th, however, we encounter the first of SEVEN Uranus Pluto squares on June 24th. Having its roots in the 60's, this association between Uranus and Pluto is now at the opening square of potentially progressive, individually and collectively, ground-breaking innovation. Think back to the idealistic flower-power of the 60's, during the time of free-spirits, women's liberation, and the birth of the computer. Back then we also realised how Earth (her flora and fauna and humanity) needs healing. This is not an easy transit, but one of a series of sudden transformations that require co-operation and helpful forward-thinking from all sides, from those in authority as well as you and me, especially if we are to transform the currently destructive unequal power structures. There is also another cycle to consider: the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Libra which began in the early 80's; at its most exalted expression fairness in control is the only way to maintain balance, peace, and unity.

Image of the Buddha by Visual Alchemy "Event Horizon within the Buddha Field"
Image of Prajnaparameta by Exotic Art India


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