
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Love Goddess Venus completes her epic cosmic dance _/\_♥

Many relationships will now feel renewed, deepened or released, so that compassion and kindness can blossom and bloom. This is the sum effect of the recently dramatic retrograde of the Venus transit to our heart star, the Sun, as Venus is now stationed to go forward and complete her cosmic dance at 7 Gemini on Wednesday. Look to this point in your ‘scope to see where in the sphere of life communicating from the heart-mind has taken unprecedented importance, and where learning to unconditionally love oneself is based on informed truth, a radiant kind-of consciousness, not ego. This amazing once-in-a-lifetime retrograde, as the Love Goddess aligned with Spirit Sun, together they showed how to connect in love, with beauty, to one’s self, to others, and the community at large. Now all we have to do is to add Jupiter’s ability to expand our understanding of love (July 14th- 24th) and all that we treasure, and encourage the generous heart-mind to grow and be positive in everyday relations.

Developing the celestial theme of unconditional love to also emphasise the need for balance, peace and harmony, in all circumstance, is the heaven's taskmaster Saturn (who has also just turned direct, exhalted in Libra), joined by the sensitive Libra Moon, just as Venus turns direct! Venus is therefore extremely influential, as she is the planet to rule the sign Libra. Generally speaking, when the Moon conjuncts Saturn, the reality check can seem like a day or two of harsh karmic lessons. But the more effort we consciously make to remain centred and listen to the heart, the less likely we are to be knocked off balance, but instead retain self-esteem and self-worth.

The kindest we can be, instead of passing Saturnian judgement or creating more obstacles, is to realise that time is often needed to get things (relationship/job/finances) just right and that, as long as our desires do not harm anyone, living in pleasure and love, we are all a ‘work in progress’. 
_/\_♥ ૐ

stunning image of astro-lovers ‘Between the Teardrops’ by Cameron Gray

1 comment:

  1. So glad Venus is going direct! I can't stand any planet being retrograde. Looking forward to neptune going direct too! Thanks for sharing this.
