
Monday 9 January 2012

Kalachakra Peace Mandala ~> Full Cancer Moon 2012

His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, currently finishing his 32nd KALACHAKRA (time-wheel) for WORLD PEACE. _(♥)_ This time the beautifully complex Kalachakra mandala, depticting the cosmos in relation to mind & body, is built in Bodhgaya (the place where Buddha achieved enlightenment) to culminate over this full Cancerian Moon on the 8/9th January.

From the astrological point of view this is an insightful Moon, at home in 18 degrees of Cancer, indicating an emotional family affair balancing karmic conditions. Dealing with the past over this full moon can build stronger foundations for both, career and home; with boundaries defined one is freer one to move ahead.

While reflecting the winter light of the consolidating Capricorn Sun, our evocative Cancer Moon makes her most helpful aspect to dynamic Mars, in purifying Virgo (who is slowing down to go retrograde on the 24th, just as the elegant & energetic, inscrutable Water Dragon makes HER entrance with a new Aquarian Moon on the 23rd (water element is feminine:))! NOW is the time to take care of heart-mind and body and detox after Yule’s excess.

♥ ~> am still on a meditation retreat and will be back online with the Dragon!


  1. Extraordinary! -as you so often are. Looking to see why Capricorn family & close friends have been so upsetting this Christmas -it seems it's all there! But I have 'let it go' rather than 'take care 'of it! Not sure now?

  2. & With Mercury now in Capricorn, conjunct transformative Pluto, initiating boundaries within family/home and/or career/authority may be even more topical, or possibly even secretive, with the Pluto unfluence. Best encourage the well analysed intuition, Lindsay.
