
Saturday 31 December 2011

☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤☾ 2☼12 ☽❤¸¸.•*¨*•☆☆

_/\_♥ ૐ AWAKEN! ~> GIVE THANKS _/♥\_ ~> REST IN THE HEART-MIND ♥ ~>☼ BLESS & TRANSFORM! :) _/\_♥ ૐ  
Wishing everyone a VERY happy, loving, & blessed 2012 ~>…& beyond..!   
Thanking all for continued shared love, inspiration & support. ‘The Digital Rainbow Tribe Cyber Sangha’ shines a brilliant light of intelligence from an ever-evolving spiritual heart ~> like brilliant stars in the sky, each gem radiating in one delightful universe  _/♥\_  May 2012 be THE year we bring heart-mind into balance with awareness & compassionate wisdom, to be of greater positive effect for all sentient beings and our environment.
To help achieve this celestially obliged objective, a first quarter moon ties into the New Year. In Tibetan Buddhism a first quarter moon is attributed to Sangye Menla, Medicine Buddha. Today (and tomorrow, the 1st) we perform the healing practice (with mantra “Tayatha Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Rasa Sammut Gate Soha”) while the emotive Moon grows in dynamic Aries, sign of the determined Ram; in square to Spirit Sun in realistic Capricorn, orienting and initiating active strength and courage, our collective life-force can be positively charged through the realisation of self in relation to the greater whole. Life is vast and we all play a valued and connected part in exploring such boundless infinity ~> with each moment a miracle in the unfolding of perfect beauty.

At the stroke of midnight GMT, the sensitive Moon allies to Uranus, inspiring planet of generational wishes, flashes of insight, and altruistic intention – as well as portending dramatic surprise that electrifies and sparks a party into action. It’s worth bearing in mind that, from the esoteric astrological viewpoint, Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries, and according to Alice A. Bailey “Aries, the Inaugurator, is rendered ineffective on the Earth through the organising potency of Uranus”;  which I interpret as selfish individual aggression heeding to (magical) social constructs, thus generating an intelligent use of the human mind.

This truly is a healing Moon, also challenging the intense combination of a Sun conjunct Pluto, to let go and release all that is no longer viable for healing to take place. The powerful Sun Pluto raises passion, insisting the transformation of the old and outmoded is inevitable; this Capricorn conjunction is also currently next to asteroid Hygeia, symbolising a rejuvenation of medicine, sanitation and fitness.

Regular readers may recall how Dharma Stars previously noted healing is one of 2012’s main astrological features. I would also like to highlight the ongoing Uranus Pluto Square demanding transformation within innovation (according to Astrid Fallon); mind-science and mind-training are also part of 2012’s characteristics .  Starting with the New Year’s Eve Medicine Buddha Moon, astral therapy continues with motivating Mars in restorative Virgo for the first six months, about about to go retrograde on the 24th January for three and a half months until 14 of April. Remember how Mars is the exoteric ruler of the Aries Moon; and, as we enter this incredibly hyped year, the first major applying aspect is from quick-silver Mercury in square to the feminine Virgo Mars, it’s as though womanly wiles provide a seriously swift remedial key. Mercury in Sagittarius has also returned to the very same 20 degrees where it was at the start of the last Mercury retrograde! Think back to late November and note how a certain healing vision/action is already on the road to a resolution; by following perfect intuition, doing the right thing at the right time, healing self, healing others, healing the planet.     

For the first time in ages all planets are going forward as we enter this iconic year, meaning it’s easier to visualise where we are heading.  Where we are now, however, is at this serious point of transformational action, as indicated by the Uranus Pluto Square. Few will escape 2012’s fast-moving ever-changing events. This is because both Uranus and Pluto are ‘generational’ planets, influencing great swathes of time. This current Uranus-Pluto square will continue in effect until 2015; and while the roots of this cycle lie in the mid-60s’, there is another cycle between Saturn and Pluto that began in the early-80’s, which also involves the evolution of our collective Spirit, also accenting the transformation of our socio-economic structure; Saturn now at home in balanced Libra (retrograde from Feb 8th until just past Summer Solstice) internalises the karmic lesson to come from the heart. 

More cosmic indication that healing is paramount during 2012 : (1) the passage of a retrograde Venus in front of the Gemini Sun (ruled by diverse Mercury) in June, adding worth and self-love to all aspects of helpful mind-training (lojong). (2) The eclipses that cross the Sagittarius-Gemini axis activate the healthy life of soul; and in June, the lunar eclipse also squares the Virgo Mars, just as it did late November and again 10th December – mind/health/communication issues could be repeated until resolution later in this year.  (3) Jupiter, planet of religion, teaching and travel, moves into Gemini showing one needs to be curious and versatile in order to grow.

Yet while I have focused mainly upon the healing qualities of Mercury, and the two signs it exoterically rules, Gemini and Virgo, for 2012, there are plenty of other qualities for such multi-faceted celestial symbols, such as intellectual pursuits or our neighbourly connections, communication, retail, and/or travel. Any or all of these topics are subject to influence throughout 2012.  Concentrate upon the healing aspect and boost the (collective) immune system during the coming year, so by this time next year we will be in better shape to embrace what will be perhaps the largest mass meditation the globe will ever experience, at the 2012 Winter Solstice.

Meanwhile take each day at a time. Know that astrology is but one aspect of looking at the world during this exciting year of the Dragon; Meditation also provides stability, calm, and very special insight. I shall be talking more about the magical vibration of meditation, trance and prayer, as oceanic Neptune enters mystical Pisces on February 3rd, with a talk at the Astrological Lodge of London Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1, at 7pm on Monday January 30th, where it would be lovely to see you!:)

Until then, I will be on retreat. Have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! And to embody the Aries Uranus “Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”
Dalai Lama XIV

With thanks & love to Bill Brouard Visual Alchemy for "In Angel's Hands" and to other unknown artists for space-mind and medicine Buddha.
2012 ~> :) _/\_♥ ૐ

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