
Monday 9 May 2011

Moon in Cancer ☽ ♥ ☽ Celestial Mother ~ Beltane '11

A beautiful & fairly long-lasting conjunction between loving Venus and messenger Mercury can currently make our conncection with the Mother Goddess a healing experience. Until 24th May, the Venusian heart and Mercurial mind lock into tight cosmic embrace as they transition from the last degrees of autonomous Aries into stabilising Taurus. The intensity of a potentially blissful communion is also magnified by the presence of Jupiter, who can jolly the proceedings over the next few days.

Happy Mother’s Day! :) _/♥\_

Rather fitting that today the celestial body which represents Mother, the Moon, is now at home in Cancer, which is governed by the Moon. ♥

May all sentient Mother beings in all realms be happy!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the hopeful message. i know communications with my partner have been strained and frustrating the passed few weeks. looking forward to the "blissful communion" and more inttimate communication.

