
Wednesday 4 May 2011

• • •Earth-Touching Beltane New Moon• • •( ( (☾ ◯☽) ) )• • •11

This Beltane new Moon in Taurus, May2nd/3rd, 7:51bst, highlights the Spiritual Warrior’s ability to forgive and move quickly on to manifest for the greater good with love, wisdom, and compassion as necessary stabilising forces. Exalted in Taurus, here the Moon offers the best possible place to remain constant and steady – even in the midst of rapid change the Moon in Taurus keeps feet planted on the ground in a very practical and sustainable manner. All the while a stellium of more volatile Aries planets presents the currently challenging mega-mammoth roller-coaster, ridden with stately pomp, as symbolised by martial Mars at home in assertive and dynamic Aries, conjunct the King of the Heavenly Gods, Jupiter, along with media-master Mercury and loving Venus - the latter Aries planets in opposition to task-master Saturn.  (Esoteric ruler of Aries, Mercury is still in retrograde shadow til the 5th).  Saturn exalted in Libra denotes the seriousness of karma that can also be incurred at this time, as well as the heightened need to overcome reactionary fear through realised love - love of self in relation to others, specifically.

Valuing Spirit over ego and coming from the heart breeds love instead fear; with awareness of self in relation to the whole encouraging the kind of self-acceptance which motivates one to create and, at the same time, truly comprehend the rhetoric (personal and/or collective), we are better equipped to find and hold firmly onto the thread of kindness that runs through and binds together our inter-connected Divine oneness.

Taking Saturn’s lesson of karmic balance into account – by being responsible for the love we share – we’re also more likely to be fair-minded, able to remain clear in any situation to overcome anger or nip any rampant demon desire in the bud more quickly too.

With two of the solar systems heavyweights now in Venus ruled signs: solid and earthy Sun in Taurus and Saturn in Libra, we have the planetary potential to even things out: so that when we access the equanimious heart-mind, we have a taste of how good life really is. Being ruled by Venus, Taurean influences heighten earthy sensuous passion. Venus is the Goddess of Love, after all, defining intimacy, close relationships, ardour, and the entire smoochie business of romance & attraction. Harmonious Venus also rules beauty and refinement in all areas of life. Wherever Venus is found in the horoscope, there you will find your capacity for good taste and sweetness, as well as showing how you sparkle in the arts, in your social life, and in fashion. With Venus in Aries and the Sun in Taurus (now in mutual reception), we can quickly seek to stimulate the senses; soft, sexy fabric stroking skin, healthy food and drink to take care of within, and pretty flowers for lovely company are sometimes all it takes to find beauty and bliss.

Venus also shows how we value ourselves in relationship, as well as financially and/or psychologically – spiritually, even.  Woman tend relate to Venus differently than Men, who are symbolised by warrior Mars (which impacts through dynamic Aries). Women tend to use the Venus in a horoscope to seek balance in the sphere she inhabits.  Interestingly, there is now a mutual reception between the Sun in Taurus and the Taurean ruler Venus, who is now in Aries until mid-May; This means both Spirit Sun and relationship-orientated Venus are working towards a common goal in harmony. That goal is to value self-love with spiritual self-awareness, free from greed, lust and fear.
Changes are taking place that lead to incredible sweetness 8th-15th May.
This lunation (a lunation is one Moon cycle, from New to Full in 28 days) also heralds the last month of expansive Jupiter being action hero Aries; as from June 5th Jupiter moves into Taurus for the a year, when our understanding of love, as well as the financial situation, has better potential to improve.  We now get a taste of that essential basic goodness with the Sun in Taurus.

So, if the fast pace of the last few months has seemed hectic, tune into this new Moon and revel in the beauty of nature, adjust to sacred simplicity and rest within the generous fertile fullness of Mother Earth.

• • •( ( ( ◯☽) ) )• • •

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