
Saturday 19 May 2018

Uranus in Taurus ~ Earth Magic 2018-2026

   ~> The New Moon @ 11:47UT in Taurus, 15th May 2018, was no regular New Moon, but one that only happens every 84 years, as it heralded the entrance of the ‘The Great Awakener’, Uranus, into Taurus. With a retrograde motion, however, Uranus dips into Aries, only to totally stir up the sign of the Bull from March 2019 until 2026.

Eccentric Uranus is the planet that shows how peer groups generate the altruistic intention together. i.e. how does each friendship group make the world a more humanitarian and better place. In Taurus, the sign of values and security, food and love, Uranus bring sudden changes to the every day world we value: there will be a more communal style of living, in simpler circumstances: collective farming, for instance, and this could become popular - or necessary - in order to counteract the pollution from industrial agricultural-business.

Spacy Uranus likes cool clarity, representing the singularly unusual, the radical or odd one out. As such, Uranus is wildly unpredictable. With an 84-year cycle it was last in no-nonsense Taurus in 1935. Uranus also has a dictatorial streak, as seen in the period 35-42, when it was last in Taurus, which was not a good time for a generation living with a world war and industrial genocide, the policy of one of the world’s most feared Taureans, Hitler. I pray this time around we will not experience collective suffering, nor on such a scale.

Uranus is a 'generational' planet, with a seven-year influence in each sign. In Taurus, the lush fertile sign that pushes gently up from the earth, growing food and flowers, stability and security, beauty and bounty are going to need the humanitarian focus. Taurus can be greedy and stubborn, but with the technologically inclined Uranus in the sign of the Bull, it brings changes to our awareness of the physical world, from our homes and gardens, to the fields and forests, and even to our actual body’s biological energy field and how buzzy we get from being surrounded by electricity. It’s interesting how we are all so connected with wifi and the internet, sometimes even against our will; now that Uranus in coming into Taurus this becomes a global concern. While there is nothing that replaces a relationship with real hugs, virtual reality and singularity (when humans and robots merge) could also be reached. So far I've seen sex-robots advertised, robots reading the news, robot weather girls and even a robot Zen monk! The world could rapidly become an alien place for anyone over 50!

Over the next seven years, earthy Taurus will continue to be highly charged by electrical and experimental Uranus. Space missions concentrate upon making money, as well as science. This is cosmically bound to be a major period of innovation within our everyday world. Uranian events come from out of the blue and happen suddenly: we could even see Earth shift, with quakes and electrical accidents. We can, however, expect to see quantum leaps towards alternatives in agriculture, finances, and medical plants. Uranus in Taurus also brings to light ‘Earth Magic’; as a zappy planet manifesting a highly-charged seven year astrological signature for kindred spirits and teams that inspire altruism and interconnections. 

Perhaps this is even the '5d ascension' the New Age talks about, in as much as thoughts and intentions connecting at the same frequency within the noosphere can create a postitive ‘grid’ around the world. From my Buddhist point of view, this is more to do with resonating with the light of Buddha nature, our innate natural radiance, connecting heart to heart, to raise the collective altruistic intention to put wisdom into action.

As Uranus moves from self-orientated Aries we leave behind an up-front ‘selfie’ society, to discover and experience dramatic changes within the realms of Taurean self-worth, and all that we cherish, be it love, money, security, things, ideas or perhaps more importantly, nature and connection with our environment.

From an esoteric spiritual point-of-view, Uranus highlights the selfless humanitarian, wanting to make the world a better place for all beings. And as with all slow-moving, generational planets, Uranus will take a while to really take hoof-hold in the sign of the Bull. This planet of dramatic change (that can be extremely disruptive when negatively expressed) dips back into Aries when retrograde from Nov 7th 2018 –> March 6th 2019, from when Uranus will stay in Taurus until April 2026.

During these coming years we have the planets on side to embody the heavens as well as create radical change to our current value systems. With the innate healing and nurturing power of Mother Earth, in all her glorious abundance and ability to adapt and change, we can also see the value in being aligned heart-t-heart- with kindred spirits.


The New Moon May '18 also heralded the start of the month of Saka Dawa, celebrating the life, enlightenment and paranirvana of the historical Lord Buddha, Gothama Shaykyamuni. If ever there was a good omen to the start of a 7-8 year cycle, its having the blessings of the historical Buddha, who, by the way, was also a Taurus.


Uranus & Venus =
The Freedom-Closeness dilemma

One last point to cover is how important it is to see how Venus, the planet which rules Taurus interacts with Uranus when Uranus makes this change of sign. The the combination of these two planets creates what my teacher, Howard Sasportas, would call ‘the freedom-closeness’ dilemma, i.e. we like get up-front and personal, while at the same time needing our own space. Judging by the connections Uranus and Venus make during the dance between Aries-Taurus and Gemini, this dilemma of finding personal space is a major issue.

For instance, during the first stage, May ’18, Uranus in Taurus sextile the late degrees Venus in Gemini, suggesting communication skills are feminine but superficial and may not yet understand the complexity of love among friends, family and fellow kindred spirits. Because of retrogrades, Uranus backtracks into Aries, with a second crossing from Uranus in Taurus, 6th November 2018, witness' another Air sign Venus, this time at home in Libra, also in late degrees, making an opposition to liberating Uranus, thus ramping-up the freedom-closeness dilemma to bring home the need for personal space. Thirdly, on March 6th, there is a mutual reception between the two planets, as Venus in Aquarius is in the sign ruled by Uranus; all the while Uranus in Taurus is in the sign ruled by Venus.

Personal freedoms, personal pay, women’s rights and human rights are all subjects that come to mind, along with concerns about the ‘idea’ of love, as opposed the actual ‘physical’ closeness of love. 

To end the long 7-8 year transit of Uranus in Taurus, as it goes into Gemini, July 7th 2025, Venus is actually conjunct Uranus in Gemini. The 2nd hit, 8th November, sees Uranus in Gemini about to go back into Taurus throwing a magical bi-quintile (144°) to Venus, and making another ‘mutual reception’ as Venus, although in her fall, will be in the sign of Uranus’ exaltation, Scorpio. And lastly in April 2026, Uranus will have left Taurus to enter Gemini for seven years, accompanied by Venus by his side once again. I find this interesting, but it does indicate that we need to take our time in many relationships, time to study the body, the land and finances, not least those connections which involve collective, mass communication.

To be honest, when Uranus left Pisces and went into Aries, like many others, I was blown away by what happened Fukashima, and life how really changed for many of the living beings on the planet, as that radiation still spills into the ocean 7-8 years later!  

One last note comes with a quote from Australian astrologer Maggie Merlin Kerr, who says Uranus in Taurus is 'liberation from attachment'. I like to think of this from a Buddhist perspective. To this we could also add 'Freedom from desire'. To liberate our heart-mind, both in joy or suffering, without becoming attached to the desire or create aversion to the outcome would truly be Uranus in Taurus.  Once we intend to release ourselves from those tricky emotions, aversion and attachment, then we might say we really are baby bodhisattvas, able to take small steps and complete the path to liberation, and become the living embodiment of Moksha.

Thanks to unknown artist for Ascended Earth Flower-of-life <3 🙏 

1 comment:

  1. I love to read your insights wisdom. Thank you. Much Love & Blessings xxxxx
