
Tuesday 20 June 2017

• • •( ( (☾ ☼ DARK MOON SOLSTICE ☼ ☽) ) )• • •

“As you breathe in, cherish yourself.
As you breathe out, cherish all Beings.”
~ His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama __/\__
June 21st 2017 @4:24UT Sun 0 Cancer Moon 18 Taurus
☼ Our Sun is ‘The Great Illuminator’ and ‘the Spiritual Centre’ which freely radiates warmth, love and light from its’ generous heart. Life on Earth thrives when we have the right proportions of light and warmth: too much light and we are over stimulated; too much heat and we burn. For the spiritual warrior it’s important to recognise the phases, strength – and courage – of the Sun so that we can mindfully tune into the innate healing power that emanates from our central life-giving source - and take cover when too hot
☼ Sun represents our consciousness. In esoteric astrology it is ‘The Light of intelligence’. In the horoscope, the Sun in individual identity, central to one’s being, determining who we are growing into (a process which can take a lifetime), as well as the dominant issues we are managing and learning in this life.
☼ Yang in quality, Sun is also authority, ego, father and boss. At 0 degrees Cancer – Capricorn Sun dertemins a major turning point: right now it begins the longest days in the North, and shortest in the south, before it changes to swap around again. align in your scope to get an idea of what, how and where the world axis activates one’s own inner-authority.
☼ When Sun is at standstill, as it is over Solstice for the next three days it creates a cosmic pause; like 'the gap' in meditation that happens in between our out breath and the in. Solstice is the collective pause. For the practice meditator Solstice could even encourage samahdi. For most of us a Dark Moon Solstice is a time in which we can rest, and gather closely our thoughts, friends and ideas .
☽ With the Dark Moon ending this Saka Dawa lunation, Luna is exalted in Taurus (Buddha’s birth sign), conjunct Venus, also at home in Taurus. As the Queens of the Night meet, Moon & Venus together provide a feminine touch for perfect days – and nights - to reflect and meditate upon that which we value, before the New Moon Saturday 24th makes it a weekend of newness and setting the right intention for healing familial, working, and personal relationships.
With love and thanks to all... ☸️💖☸️ 🙏🙏🙏
& to unknown artist for sun-filled Buddha 

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