
Tuesday 29 November 2016

✰··☾☼☽··✰·New Sagittarius Moon Tuesday 29th November

✰Today’s New Sagittarius Moon starts the third lunation in a row culminating in a Full SuperMoon, on the 14th December. Supermoons appear to be eventful times of major shifts, in consciousness as well as geophysical. Whatever we are reflecting upon now, as a collective or individually, it appears to be huge. Aside from the Sagittarian inclination to exaggerate ;) a Sagittarian Sun signals a time to be more open-minded and optimistic about the future, philosophical about life’s twists and turns, all the while keeping to a personal high moral stance. ‘Post-Truth’ is an anathema to the upright Sagittarian Archer. Holding truth and freedom in high regard, Sagittarius is the sign of law courts, as well academia and, perhaps more telling, our public relationship to an even higher ethical agent, variously called God, Goddess, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Allah, Great Spirit, Nature, the Universe, as great omniscient cosmic consciousness ... 'the void'. Sagittarius connects us to the bigger picture. 

✰ With both ‘Lights’ (Sun & Moon) now in a wide conjunction to Saturn (also in the sign of the centaur), the importance of this moment in time has a karmic quality, as well as the potential to reveal wisdom and generosity – and fear, especially a fear for the post-factual future. Saturn’s focus is upon fears that lead to greater understanding. With little time for ‘the bamboozle factor’, Saturn now helps to determine what is real and what is imagined.

✰ Several other factors must also be taken into astral account during this last Fire sign lunation in the Fire Monkey year: 1) as Sun and Moon are also at a delicate point in their orbit known as ‘The Bends’, i.e. Spirit Sun and Soul Moon are in direct square to the Moon’s destiny-shaping Nodes. Any planet can be found at the bends in their orbit around the Sun; in Sagittarius it can add poignant sensitivity to a usually rational mind. 2) Only the position of the Sun at this angle is called a ‘Moon Wobble’, indicating events and choices made now can trigger emotional instability (so hang onto judicious reason as best you can). 3) Sun and Moon join forces with one of the most powerful fixed stars: Antares, a red star that rivals Mars, otherwise known as ‘The Heart of the Scorpion’, indicating all kinds of martial passion and intensity. This Fixed Star also suggests danger, ruin and sudden loss, should one succumb to corruption jealousy or obsession.

✰ All in all, it appears we are traversing a time of intense transformation; be the change within our own lives, with friends, in-laws or authority, or even politically, with impact upon the planet and environment, what is clear within the current astrological climate is how important it is that we go with the flow of the ‘higher mind’, all-the-while maintaining personal integrity, faith and optimism that good will out, and that the ignorance using force or fear to control will be curtailed. Events around the 9-10th December could prove challenging in the run-up to the Full Gemini SuperMoon.

With ℒℴѵℯ & thanks to Odin's Eye & unknown artist for fiery lotus ॐ__/\__ ☼ Wishing fiery New Moon Shakyamuni blessings of Truth and Reason for all _/|\_ on this karma multiplied new moon day x100

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