
Saturday 15 October 2016

◯☼ - Full Aries Super Moon conjunct Eris & Uranus ☼◯

◯ ‘Happiness is the heart being free’ ☼
– Sakyong Rinpoche –
Sun in Libra opposite Full Supermoon in Aries 

☼ ♎☍◯♈ @4:23UT 16th Oct 
In the words of Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher who taught about an ever-changing universe, change is our only constant. As the winds of change now begin to blow into a potential hooley, in the midst of such daily whirls and flow all we really want is to be happy. What stands out in this constant quest for happiness is how important it is for the human spirit to have a sense of autonomy, which is then freely directed towards helping oneself to help others. Even science notes ways in which we can be happy, such as taking the initiative, not comparing, smiling (even if you don’t want to), giving thanks, honouring friends, meaningful goals, and exercise. Nowhere on the list does it suggest buying a new outfit, diamond watch, or red corvette brings the kind of lasting rewards that makes us beam from the inside out (not even if you’re a ‘lookist’ Libran, or crazy speed-ball Aries 😉 ). Okay, a flash new car, designer dress or gold club card momentarily satisfies desire nature, but such gratification is usually fleeting, nothing on the scale of rejecting materialism for the kind of deeply-resonating, long-lasting and satisfying joy that exploring personal gifts and living life to the fullest can bring to oneself as well as others. The sign of the zodiac which venerates the greatest regard, admiration and respect for others, culturally and intellectually, is Libra; the sign through which the Sun currently transits.

Libra lives for love. Thriving in social situations, be that in marriage and partnership, business or romance, Libra considers the well-being of other’s a high priority when seeking personal peace of mind. We have much to learn from Libra: check your personal horoscope to see just where the sign of the scales weighs-up relations). So while the Libran Sun radiates opposite a currently courageous Aries Moon conjunct freedom-loving, radical Uranus, it’s time to bravely polish-up smart and savvy Libran skills, such as diplomacy, discretion and dignity, because these are especially useful when faced with (inner) uproar and mayhem. Libra teaches us to find beauty in peace and inner-equipoise, even in the midst of chaos. While it’s generally an Aries influence that initiates aggression, Librans armed with wit and charm, can, however, even start arguments in order for them to practice their impressive power of mediation. (Sorry, but you know it’s true, Libra. Think justice scales and precedence at law.)

In astrology, we call the axis that aligns Aries to Libra the ‘me-we’ alliance, emphasising how important it is that we find the balance between being dynamic and self-assertive and co-operative and considerate, particularly when getting everyone’s needs met. This Libra-Aries axis is a reminder to practice being kinder to one’s ‘self’, in order to more easily enable kindness towards others. Being the best we can, means we have the best to give.
At 23 Aries-Libra, the axis is pivotal during this full Supermoon Saturday/Sunday, depending upon where you are in the world: 15th in Canada and USA, 16th in Europe, Asia &Australia. With Luna conjunct rebellious Uranus there could be quite a hullabaloo in which to practice patience and loving kindness. And because the Moon joins forces with the astral wildcard, Uranus (and the even wilder trans-Plutonian outer-planet of discord and chaos, Eris), the emphasis is firmly upon all kinds of outsiders, misfits and freaks, possibly coming from left field, too.

This Full Moon is also first in a series of three Full Supermoons. When the ‘Supermoon’ is closest to the Earth it actually looks bigger, and geo-cosmic activity is heightened (think cyclones and hurricanes, flooding, fires, drought and quakes). (Nod & thanks to Moon maestro Mr Richard Knolles for ‘Supermoon’ awareness X J ). Similarly, during the supermoon, we too, experience heightened personal and inter-personal shifts: in perception, as well as inner and outer challenges. (Note that in this series of three, the middle Scorpio-Taurus SuperMoon may well be the most intense: something to look forward to!). That said, the effects of this Moon phase will probably last three days, if not feel like five or six, such is Luna’s electromagnetic pulling interaction.

What marks this October’s Supermoon is the way recent change, whether wanted or not, can be so quickly felt and the audaciously implemented could even be labelled ‘dictatorial’. While Uranus, the Great awakener, heralds change that affects an entire generation, when in brave and passionate Aries, situations can be especially sparky and fiery whenever there is a people’s cause to champion. Aries Moon also has a delightfully playful but impulsive streak, one that dares venture into the unknown with a willingness to be open and genuine (if a little naive and innocent). All of which can be very exciting, as well as refreshing. Heroic Aries tends to bring in the novel and new with speed – and often a bang. But hold your fire Aries – for the moment anyway; there are still many factors to evaluate

It is worth bearing in mind that Uranus, equality-seeking ruler of Aquarius, and generational planet representing friendly peer-groups, team mates and kooky kindred spirits, also accents the sudden flashes of genius that zap-in with an electrical bolt from the blue. The glyph for Uranus ♅ even looks like a space station’s radar, ready to receive and earth the lightning-fast inspiration that seemingly comes from nowhere; i.e. space. Interestingly, in esoteric astrology, altruistic Uranus is the also the hierarchical ruler of Aries. For those who practice ‘regular’ astrology, the concept of another rulership may seem a little strange. But if there ever was a time to introduce a new astrological spiritual insight, it may well be when the receptive Moon is conjunct Uranus, planet of the bizarre, as well as astrology.

Conventional astrology looks to Mars as the exoteric ruler of Aries – and thereby we note now how cardinal Mars is currently exalted in Capricorn: prudent and practical in traditional martial techniques of control and power. Esoteric astrology also looks at a deeper meaning of what seemingly goes on in the head (Aries rules the physical head); and gives Mercury, as planet of the mind, as the esoteric ruler of Aries.

The wisdom teachings say that only we, ourselves, have the power to tame our own chattering monkey minds’. Mercury’s esoteric connection to Aries therefore signifies that allowing the mind to bravely go into new zones encourages neuroplasticity, with inner-mind reshaping thought and memory, past and future, Mercury here is enabled to wave his magic mercurial caduceus wand to even repair broken DNA and overcome impediments.

Transiting Mercury is currently with Libra, now making it easy to sit on the fence and watch what’s happening arounds us and, if we can, check all sides of stories. Serious decision making may still be full of doubt; but when the mind’s deeper esoteric connections start to spark, Mercury’s influence upon Aries is clearly to weigh-up what’s in front (within a time frame of 27th Oct, when Mercury is at Superior Solar conjunction), then look at new solutions, especially when dealing with old (Capricorn) problems.

Lastly in the three of Aries esoteric rulerships: when we turn the spiritual warrior’s head up towards the heavenly angelic realms, the hierarchical ruler of Aries is Uranus, the planet that ultimately seeks liberation for oneself as well as for humanity, and even Mother Earth herself. Planetoid Ceres, also known as Demeter, nurturing Goddess of Grain is also with the Aries/Uranus/Eris Supermoon.

When Luna reflects such strong yang Aries, the feminine is emboldened. Still, it may be the natural feminine instinct to care and provide that can also pacify and soften the otherwise Aries hot-head tendency. The most dangerous enemy to ardent Aries is its’ own over-heated impatience. Self-absorbed and unaware, impulsively acting quickly to see fast results could easily backfire. The essence of valour is not only to be adventurous but to be humanitarian as core process, involving the great good of all.

With Mars and Pluto in Capricorn presently making a loose T-Square to the ‘Me-We’ ‘Aries-Libra’ axis, it is time to consider one’s own accomplishments – in relationship and out, at work and rest, without comparing to others; be now more cautious, reflect, connect to beauty and principles , and be truly aware that real change only happens within the heart. So that when we make changes to ourselves, the world around us changes too.

With thanks for astral_lotus to b33rheart
.for beautiful lotus light _/\_ :)

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