
Tuesday 9 February 2016

LOSAR lunation 2016 ☼✰··☾♡☽··✰☼ Monlam

✰ From today, 9th February, the first 15 days of the new Lunar year, the LOSAR lunation, are considered karma multiplied days _/\_ During this ‘Monlam’ period, from New Moon to Full, it is said the Lord Buddha performed a miracle each day. Each miracle accumulates more and more merit to awaken the bodhi-mind, the awakened heart-mind; and on the 15th Full Moon day (22nd February 2016) the accumulation of merit is celebrated with the ‘Day of Miracles’, also called known as 'Chötrul Düchen', or ‘The Great Prayer Festival’.

✰ In Buddhism we also learn that we are all potential Buddhas (which means ‘awakened one’). As such, we also co-create with the universe and can participate in making our own miracles, and dedicating the merit to benefit of others. Such goodness bodes well for the removal of personal obstacles which might arise during this Fire Monkey year.

✰In khartsee (Tibetan/Chinese astrology), generally speaking, obstacles come in the birth year. For those born in 1956 obstacles need not necessarily be unlucky: one is advised however, to exercise more caution than be carefree, but still welcome the change to be inventive and work with others.

✰ From this year's planetary point of view, Jupiter (the planet associated with the 12 year animal cycle, known as the Grand Duke in Chinese system) is making tricky aspects with Saturn (Lord of obstacles and karma) in March & May, so obstacles may come early. The two planets then go on to make good and more helpful aspects as the year progresses, which potentially harmonises business, health and relationships (from September onward, until Feb 27th 2017, when the animal sign changes again (to Rooster)).

✰So, imho, overall, this may not be an excellent year, though some will undoubtedly buck that generalisation, it can be a good year for Monkey _/\_ :) Losar Tashi Delek! _/\_ Laura


Special Losar rate for 1-2-1 Astrology sessions during Losar lunation! 9th Feb – 9th March ~> Check your personal astrology to see how to live in harmony with friends, colleagues, and loved ones & get the best out of this cheeky Monkey year!

Honesty system applies:
General guidelines for 1 hour: sliding scale if you are in work $88 - $155; or genuinely wealthy $230
Note initial session tends to be 1½-2 hours; follow-up sessions are usually an hour, but can be longer.
On-going series of astro-coaching: $77 per hour.

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