
Saturday 26 September 2015

☾ ● ◯ Full Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Blood Red Aries ◯ ● ♡

☾ ● ◯ The most dramatic Full Moon in this year of the Wood Goat takes place Sunday night – Monday morning (depending upon where you are the world (see comments to check time zones)), 27th-28th September, with a Full Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse. The last similar supermoon was 33 years ago and there won’t be another like it for 18 years! 

With ‘The Lights’ along the 'me-we' Libra-Aries axis at 4 degrees, this 4th blood red Moon is an Aries Supermoon stimulating those born around either equinox (Spring or Autumn) to focus upon balancing the needs of self with those of others maybe more than the rest of us, who are also being asked to consider the benefits of being true to our autonomous authentic self, as opposed to the adaptive self that often relies upon all kinds of outside dictatorial influences that can compromise morality, beliefs and truth. 

☾ ● ◯ While co-operation with others is essential in this world of 7 billion human beings, and our happiness essentially depends upon how we treat others; agreements made during this Full Moon must include beauty, joy, and hefty whack of personal independence to feel free and self-directed, without harming others.

☯☆☯ In Tibetan Buddhism our authentic presence is called ‘Wangthang’, which also means ‘the field of power’ which permeates and surrounds the body within and around the electromagnetic aura; this is strengthened to protect and magnetise by the merit and goodness we consciously create.
In Tibetan astrology, the Wangthang is associated with the element of the year, i.e. in this particular year of the Green Wood Goat, the element Wood, which relates to Air, is where we find our collective (and personal) power and the ability to spiritually ascend. With Spirit Sun now in Libra, Air and Wood are highlighting the capacity to find spacious balance in growth, egoless command with practiced calm, and generosity without dominating fixity. Air of course is also associated with breath and balance, so calm abiding meditation (Shamatha or Shiney) is highly recommended for the duration of this eclipse – and beyond!

☾ ● ◯ And as the retrograde Mercury is also next to Sun during this Full Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, the heart-mind can only benefit by taking the opportunity during this powerful space-time portal to release all self-cherishing clinging to ego attachment, and imbibe the light of the Sun, welcoming the ability to be genuine and true to the heart-mind and the love-light within. 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” ♡ Helen Keller

ps: If you’d like to give yourself a marker in time as to how one changes and grows happiness, light and self-development, another Equinox Full Moon in March 2016, in six months’ time is a good place to aim for and see how you are… Meanwhile, if you’d like an astrological reading to help navigate the heavens and to develop and grow your own Wangthang, please contact me, Laura, here for rates and exchange. _/\_
Wishing all a wonderfully illuminating Full Harvest Supermoon _/\_
With ℒℴѵℯ ॐ & thanks to thangka painting maestro Romio Shresta for Buddha Shakyamuni enveloped by eclipsing dragons _/\_

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