
Tuesday 16 June 2015

☽☼ ☾ ♊ Solstice New Moon ~> Tuesday 16th June @15:05UT

☼ ☾ As holy month Sakadawa closes, Tuesday's dynamic New Solstice Moon provides one of the most lively astrological lunations of the year. Not only is it Solstice next weekend – one of the year’s two major turning points, and a time of friendly gathering and celebration, there’s also a seriously exciting opening between generous and optimistic Jupiter and altruistic Uranus (22nd June), which will remain in big, visionary effect until the end of July.

☼ ☾ ♂  Also at this New Moon, Spirit Sun and strongman, passionate and fiery Mars will conjoin Luna, to be directly opposite the Galactic Centre, at 25 Gemini, in a part of the sky known to the ancients as ‘Heaven’s furrow’. This suggests our ancestors recognized a fertile ripple in the spacetime field, within which there’s the potential to imbibe pure Galactic light frequencies that help to nurture, feed the soul and grow, physically as well as spiritually.

Together, with the Moon and Mars aligned, SOL’s light of consciousness now tunes each individual into our core (galactic) values to the plant seeds of right action that accompany Gemini’s right speech and right mindfulness. The challenge, it would seem, is in setting and keeping the right Bodhisattva intention.  Best familiarise one's self with positive motivation to stay on track, as Mars can aggravate and antagonize the Monkey Mind to rise in anger (and we all know what that means: a tragic loss in karmic merit!).  

☿ ♊~> Meanwhile a direct infomaniac Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, now moves away from its perfectly imperfect opposition to a retrograde Saturn, which gave form and finalisation to certain ideas.  Mercury only then squares nebulous Neptune – again, on the 23rd, to make things appear less formal and more formless, (Fyi: Sat-SQ-Nep is a major theme later in the year – so what is discussed/evolved/communicated now, can re-emerge again, late Autumn).

Curious Gemini questions the duality of everything and nothing, Samsara and Nirvana, form and formless, and how can it all exist side by side. Events surrounding this Solstice period provide insights into understanding what's real and what is illusion, i.e. what kind of karma we are creating, even when believing our often distorted sense perceptions? 

So consider carefully, at this magic moment of the Great Galactic Yang, what would we, as a collective, really like to see growing now in ‘Heaven’s Furrow’?  First, though, before we quantum leap into singularity, or in and out of parallel universes, we may need to take stock of this one and stop deceiving ourselves, and/or others, and see the truth for what it is: All is Oneness in the spaciousness of beauty, LOVE, and light.

Enjoy! ~> Happy New Moon & Summer/Winter Solstice everyone _/\_  with ℒℴѵℯ and thanks for sharing and to unknown artist for glorious artwork  ॐ__/❤\__ ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸❤✫

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