
Friday 26 June 2015

☼ △ ☾ Guru Rinpoche day June 26th 2015

☼ △ ☾ Every month on the 10th day of the lunar cycle, when Sun and Moon form a fabulous and dynamic association of ‘The Lights’, we, in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, honour the Lama, the Teacher (within). This day is also known as Guru Rinpoche day, honouring Padmasambhava, the 2nd Buddha (after Shakyamuni), ‘the lotus born’ who generated rainbows and brought the sacred art of Tantra from India to Tibet in the 8th century. Guru means teacher, and Rinpoche the ‘precious jewel’, thus energies surround this Moon phase are generally positive, guiding and helpful, especially when on the path of transformation.

☼ △ ☾ Today’s Guru Rinpoche day, 26-27th June is also very special, as it not only celebrates the birthday of the historical second Buddha of Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava, but there are no less than three major lineage holders whose birthday it is at the same time: His Holiness, the 17th Karmapa (30 year’s old); Dilgo Khyentse Yangsti Rinpoche (22), and most beloved Dzogchen Yogi, Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche (102!). Our very best wishes go to these esteemed lineage holders on this great day _/\_

As the radiant Sun blesses their familial Cancerian Spirts, the Moon in Scorpio can deepen heart connections that pave the way for profound self-liberation.
If you have a teacher whom you feel has helped you in any way to become a kinder, more loving, better you, today is the day to give thanks and allow those teachings to seep deeply into soul, and fuel creativity to raise consciousness and embody wisdom and compassion (and realise complete Great Enlightenment).

☼ △ ☾ Astro info ~> July 2nd’s Full Capricorn Moon on Thursday @3:19bst,  activates dynamic Divinity within the Cardinal Cross of the Central Spiritual Sun; Pluto is with Luna, opposite Sun/Mars, and all in square to the nodal axis in Libra (NN) and Aries (SN).  FYI: The nodal axis is just now approaching an alignment with the Super Galagtic centre, i.e. the core around which zillions of galaxies are drawn. This full Moon presents the potent Solstice turning point; and it is loaded with powerful ‘unseen’, psychic vibration. Note that situations around this Full Moon, are cosmically bound to have a direct impact upon those at Equinox Solar Eclipse, September 28th.  But that’s way ahead! For now, lift one’s spirit and enjoy the Summer (in the North) or the growing light in the South.

With ℒℴѵℯ_/✿\_  & thanks all my teachers and to unknown Tangka painter. Happy Guru Rinpoche day Everyone!

Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pemma Siddhi Hung _/\_ :)

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