
Wednesday 11 February 2015

☼ “Dön Season” ~> before Losar & the New Year of the Green Yin Wood Goat

No sooner has informative Mercury gone direct (today at 1 degree Aquarius), the Last Quarter Tara Moon of the Wood Horse Year signals we are well and truly into a critical period of the Tibetan calendar called “Dön Season”, which has been described as being ‘like Mercury retrograde on steroids’, as the karma of the last year now accumulates to potentially manifest as sticky issues that can create obstacles, problems and disharmony. 

Dön is the name given to the end-of-years’ amassed energy patterns, particularly the negative ones which whip-up destructive thinking to provoke difficult interactions and arguments that, if we don’t clarify with mindfulness, can even lead to emotional obsessions, or psychic or physical sickness. Thus, it is now super important that over the next few days we clear the air and make space, at home, at work, in relationship, and on the meditation cushion, in order to awaken Spirit and transform the mind. Detox inner planes as well as outer worlds now, and let-go of the old and outmoded and, by being open-minded and aware, prepare for New Year of the Green Yin Wood Goat on the 18th–19th February, a year that offers an exhilarating kind of joy, with the potential for great peace.   

During these next few days of the “Dön Season” just before Losar, Tibetan New Year, we call upon our protectors, connect to sangha, and loved ones who give love and support. It may also be a cosmic co-incidence that Valentine's Day is also Dakini Day, but when the Goddess highlights Love, she does so this year with the radiant LoveLight which emanates straight from the Galactic heart.

ℒℴѵℯ __/❤\__ ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸❤✶& thanks to Carmen Mensink for beautiful Green Tara whose mantra is “Om Tara Tutare Ture Soha” __/❤\__

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