
Tuesday 20 January 2015

♒ ☽☼☾ ♒ Aquarius New Moon 1st SuperMoon of 2015

☆ Jan 20th at 13:13GMT the 1st SuperMoon of 2015 is also the 1st of two new moons in the intellectual AIR sign Aquarius. The second will be next month, Feb 18th at #LOSAR (year of the Goat), with another, 'stealth' Super New Moon. Two New Moons in the same zodiacal sign accent a higher kind of consciousness; and the form this perception takes is signified by the sign. In this case, the New Moons are the sign of the Water Bearer, humanitarian, co-operative and mindful, emphasising the soul's ability to generate the altruistic intention.
☆ This is no time to rest on laurels, but to move and bend with the winds of change, all the while determining the mind’s eye the ability to see with the correct view. Spacy and scientific, Aquarius is also the zodiac’s wild card, indicating a time when things/ideas/situations can arise from out-of-the-blue and take one by surprise. The wonder may even be how humanitarian humanity can be and how kindred spirits working for the benefit of others can rally around to remove obstacles with team spirit.

☆ This New Moon also marks the last lunation of the Green Wood Horse Year, a year when personal opportunities have been more successful with such friendly reinforcement and family support. And now, just before the Wooden Horse leaves, not to be seen again for another 60 years, Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday 21st at 17 Aquarius, putting on the breaks to slow (the mind) down during the Horse’s final lunation, in order to re-think, re-wire, re-calibrate whatever it is that these future-orientated Aquarian degrees spark in your own horoscope.
☆ This potentially wild, wiggy and exciting Mercury retrograde ends with Mercury direct at 1Aquarius on 11th Feb, (with a last quarter healing Moon). For re-thinking structures and ambitions key dates to watch and reflect upon are 5th January (just gone), 5th February, and the 19th Feb. And for powerful breakthroughs: 14th Jan, 28th Jan and March 1st.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Moon with starry blessings, with ℒℴѵℯ __/\__ & many thanks for artwork 'StarChild Encoded Healing' by Visual Alchemy.

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