
Sunday 26 October 2014

Mercury direct~> opposite Uranus x3 = CHANGE of mind ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸♥ OCT 2014

The planet of communication, Mercury going forwards today in Libra (did I hear a cheer 'hooray'?! ), and with it the words of fellow Libran Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” become ever more popular. Rightly so; for each and every one of us has a personal responsibility to alter – and improve – our lives, as well as benefit those of others around us, and therefore shape our own (collective) destiny. But how do we actually do that?

By changing the way we perceive ourselves, our relationships, and our position in the world we do actually alter the way we react. By seeing all the good around us, the kindness and love we give and receive - and are grateful for - it enables one to generate a feelgood factor, which in turn makes problem solving much easier. Ghandi also said that “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” To all intents and purposes many go through the opposite of this, bumbling best we can through a time of soul searching, seeking new ways of looking at the world, and new ways to change our approach to problems so that our needs get met, if not our wants. Yet these times call for material consolidation and practical advancement in spiritual study. Though it’s not always easy to implement the new ideas, symbolised by Mercury's retrograde in Libra, but by the time that Mercury re-enters Scorpio, on the 9th November, we may be very glad that we were brave enough to embrace the change that come from the heart, bringing beauty and joy to the fore.

Many thanks to unknown artist for inspiring heart _/♥\_

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