
Wednesday 24 September 2014

☯ 22nd-23rd September ~> Dark Moon Equinox: Changes in the year of the Horse @4:29bst (10:29Est)

✣ From a personal perspective, this equinox accents the need for harmonious relations and healthier emotions. From the worldly perspective, it’s interesting to note the major theme of the collective’s focus, especially when a ‘generational’ planet does something special at a Cardinal solar marker (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are generational planets), highlighting collective karma. Because energy flows where attention goes, such matters can dictate how the masses are feeling at a time of the Sun’s naturally important turning points. I mention this now because this Dark Moon Equinox is marked by transformational Pluto, planet of oligarchs and hidden, underworld shadows, now going forward after a five month retrograde. Pluto bearing down at 11degrees Capricorn (and anyone with cardinal planets at this degree will also be re-emerging from an internal restructuring), suggests those in positions of power are emerging from a core reform that can impact the health of Mother Earth: Today’s announcement that a family of investors (Pluto) are looking to divest fossil fuel and put their energy into renewables (also Pluto) is rather encouraging, just as hundreds of thousands took to the streets, across the globe, to proclaim the need for an awareness of climate change due to human-made pollution (again Pluto, but also Neptune).

✣ Equinox is also a time of balancing opposites, light and dark, warm and cool, old and new, desire and gratitude. The New Libra Moon on Wednesday 24th encourages confidence and change. As Sun & Moon move into harmonizing Libra, those of us in the northern hemisphere can begin to embrace the feminine and receptive, cool inward yin; while in the southern hemisphere Sun’s yang summer light is growing. One last point to note is how auroras often accompany equinoxes, and in a moonless sky Northern Lights could be quite dramatic, with just a wisp of solar winds to stir heart-mind into action. _/\_ ૐ•´¯`•.¸¸.

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