
Thursday 5 June 2014

✶ Medicine Buddha ~ Tara Moon ~> June 5th/6th __/❤\__ Sacred Star

There are times when the heavens specifically concentrate upon certain energies. This First Quarter Moon with the Gemini Sun and Virgo Moon is such a time, as the emphasis of ‘The Lights’, Sun and Moon, spotlight healing of all kinds: physical, mental and spiritual.

Be aware of the mind’s ability to influence progress, remaining positive is crucial to the speed of recovery. Try not to wallow in any mire, focus instead up that which brings joy. Quicksilver Gemini Sun is still conjunct healing asteroid Hygeia, who was wife/aid to Aesculapius, the father of our modern medicine, accenting the call for swift solutions (though to be fair, family/media issues may be slowed by Mercury retrograde, starting 7th June for three weeks); The Sun in hard aspect to thoughtful and considerate Virgo Moon suggests having the ability to change course and think quickly, even whilst on the move.

This profoundly healing Moon phase also configures the enchanting six-pointed Grand Sextile, a sacred star formation connecting a stabilizing Earth Trine with the deeply intuitive current Water Trine. Though this beautiful star formation is fleeting, indeed, it will be waning tomorrow, the celestial energy for 5th and 6th June is still very much geared towards overcoming obstacles by being both, realistic AND magical. En route to the karma multiplied Saka Dawa Full Moon on the 13th, now is the time for helpful visualization and practical application to any problem. So keep in the mind's eye an end image, and be prepared to move fast to apply speedy solutions to any issue, no matter how big or small the difficulty might seem.

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” Buddha

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with ℒℴѵℯ_/✿\_ & thanks for sharing & if you'd like to know how your scope constellates during this special karma multiplied month of SakaDawa, please contact me here for rates.

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