
Monday 5 May 2014

△ Taurus Sun sextile Jupiter in Cancer ~ May 5-6-7-8th '14

Living in the present is the way of a mindful spiritual warrior. To be aware of each moment means we can live life to its fullest. But still, on a relative level, it sometimes helps to look back and assess how we’ve come along when developing potential. In astrology it is the planet Jupiter that provides the 360° perspective of past, present and future, giving us the ability to measure time, distance, and our association with Oneness.

Since Solstice ’13, optimistic Jupiter has been exalted in sensitive Cancer, from where he soothes painful past memories at the same time offering hope for the future. And as Cosmic Guru, beneficent Jupiter holds a key role in being able to synthesize the activity of this particular moment in time, through the currently waning Cardinal Cross which pressed the surge button for dynamic spiritual growth.

As well as being involved with a magical Grand Water Trine (leading to another Grand Sextile, Sacred Star later this week!) which generates responsible healing on deep cellular level, Jupiter is also making his last major aspect to the stabilizing Taurus Sun, Tuesday 6th May, in a closing cycle which ends, and therefore marks a fabulous new beginning with the Full July SuperMoon, still two months away. This, therefore, is the time to head to the top of the metaphoric mountain and imbibe some of Jupiter’s encouraging wisdom; with panoramic vision find space to relax with plans and ideas, and see what needs to be brought together in order to peacefully move into and embrace the changing world. All the while Goddess Venus, now in assertive Aries, is nudging up to visionary Uranus, reminding us to love living in the present, wherever we may be. After all, ‘now’ is all we have and is the springboard into the future. Best use each moment wisely. ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸

& ponder this...
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ~ Lao Tzu

With ℒℴѵℯ & many thanks to Mountain Stream Organization for wonderful image of Mount Kailash, sacred to all Buddhists, Hindus & Jains alike...

Om Mani Padme Hung...

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