
Sunday 20 April 2014

Transformational Easter Cross 2014

♥´¯`•.¸¸.•Happy Easter Everyone!•´¯`•.¸¸.

On this first Sunday after the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, we honour the fertility of the Mother Goddess and the luminous light of the Risen Divinity _/✿\_

☼ ♉ & ☾ ♇ ~> The Sun is now in Earthy Taurus and the sensitive Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto, planet of the life, death and rebirth, which is rather fitting for a holiday that celebrates the transformation of Spirit.

✣ Such profundity is astrologically compounded as the Cardinal Cross of the Central Spiritual Sun perfects this this Easter SUNday, when four planets make a perfect square in the heavens (with the 3rd Jupiter square Uranus, plus the 5th Uranus-Pluto square today, & the 2ndMars opposition Uranus, Tuesday 22nd). Staying on centre is where we each find our peace, power and strength to radiate the innate glowing Divinity within every one of us, which in Buddhism we call‘Buddha nature’ our essential goodness.

✣ During this truly transformational time of the Cardinal Cross change comes from within, when ‘being the change we wish to see’ is the way to ‘resurrect’. This celestial Cross also places emphasis upon self-awareness in relation to others and the world we live in. Only when we personally alter the spacious perception of our heart-mind from within, will outworn and incompetent traditional systems also change. Bear in mind that while the synchronicity of this cross takes place over Easter – when much of the Western world celebrates Christ dying on the Cross only to rise again on Easter Sunday – this dynamic and active square continues to transition in and out of formation for another year, maintaining the process of awakening individual potential (and thereby the collective) to our inherent LoveLight by showing kindness and compassion to all beings, including one’s self.

In the words of the Buddha “You are your own Master. The Buddha only shows you the way”.

May all beings be happy and free from suffering _/\_

With ℒℴѵℯ & many thanks for sharing and esepcially to Joma Sipe for his beautiful illustration of a cross in dynamic heavenly action "The Jewel in the Lotus 7" _/✿\_

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