
Wednesday 12 March 2014

✧ Miracles ~> days 9 & 10 (10th&11th March)

With the GROWING LIGHT of the Moon, Buddha extended his light body into the ends of Samsara (and that’s a mighty long way!) _/♥\_

Today, the 11th of March is also this month’s Guru Rinpoche Day, which means its only 5 days until the Full Moon, and THE day of Miracles on the 16th of March, when karma is multiplied 10xmillion (good or bad).

This Guru Rinpoche Day also has a Water trine, reminiscent of last summer/autumn 2013, enabling one to reflect upon how things have changed since then, and how much more aware you are right now. While the Water signs Pisces Sun aspecting the Cancer Moon and the exalted Cosmic Guru, Jupiter, working beautifully together with Saturn in Scorpio, they create the fluid and receptive ‘Grand Water Trine’, which encourages one to go inwards to explore the world of the imagination. This particular trinity is also spiritually expansive, showering blessings and generating hope and compassion which can bring about greater understanding of life’s magic and mysteries. Enjoy ~> in 5 days’ time, the Full Virgo Goddess Moon accents a greater wisdom at work.

"Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds." Rumi _/♥\_

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