
Monday 16 December 2013

◯ Galactic Heart ~> The Higher Vibrational Light Source - ☉ ♐ ~ ☼ ~ ♊ ◯

Tonight/Tomorrow’s full Gemini Moon at 9:28GMT spotlights the most brilliant and powerful vortex at the heart of our Galaxy. With the illuminating Sun at 26Sagittarius, the Gemini Moon reflects the high vibrational light of our Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre, opening a super-sensitive portal for the conscious heart-mind to connect to our cosmic core, bathe in its luminosity, and allow it to permeate our being to radiate pure unadulterated cosmic LoveLight.

How one connects with the flow of this Divine Light of Consciousness spiraling through time and space, will very much depend upon what, exactly, we feed our heart-mind, as the focus of this Full Moon is upon wisdom, communication, and truth (relative & ultimate). If we live in constant fear, obsession or jealously, then negativity obscures the real truth of one's light-filled Buddha nature. Whereas nurturing the mind with positive thoughts and intentions means we are more likely to freely generate love, joy, kindness, empathy, compassion, humility and peace.

Bear in mind that both Sun/Galactic Centre and the Moon are in hard aspect to a very active Mars in harmonious Libra (and will continue to be so into 2014); so finding one’s balance during this Full Moon through (and into the New Year’s Eve SuperMoon) a ‘grounding’ meditation will encourage a release of both, past (life) information/habits/thoughts, as well as encourage enlightening visions of the future, which is why it is so important to find joy and bliss in present equanimity. Even if there is conflict with ever-changing direction (of the monkey mind), we can remain in authentic presence by watching the breath to create the equanimous heart-mind, and align with the wisdom mind's higher vibrational light source. _/♥\_

One last note is how Uranus, the awakening planet, is going forward today, after a long retrograde sojourn. Uranus in Aries impels a heightened state of individual awareness within group situations. Look to 8Aries in your horoscope and see where your personal altruistic heroism can be found.

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.” -Benjamin Disraeli

Galactic Full Moon Blessings of LoveLight & Happiness to everyone

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