
Tuesday 26 November 2013

No Mud No Lotus - Mercury / Saturn - November 26th '13 ~> _(♥)_

Planet of the mind, Mercury, conjuncts karmic Saturn for the 3rd time in a month, due to Mercury’s Scorpionic retro loop-de-loop; which means that whatever problem was going down at Halloween, and the 8th November, is once again given karmic Saturn’s powerful scrutiny. Issues raised back then could even now see some kind of practical resolve. This is because Saturn with Mercury urges us to examine traditional power structures, and the way we deal with authority, as well as any negative thinking or stuck thought patterns such as obsession, jealousy or control, by planting the responsibility for our own thoughts firmly back into our own heart-minds. This conjunction encourages us to transform and train the mind in a practical manner, which in Buddhism we would call ‘lojong’: training the mind towards awakening, through difficult and trying situations. So don’t worry if your rational mind is stuck in the mud today, reaching for lotus-like clarity will happen soon enough, as fleet-footed Mercury swiftly makes a good aspect to loving Venus AND the cosmic teacher, Jupiter on Thanksgiving Thursday, November 28th (when ISON sungrazes with the Sagittarian Sun!). _(♥)_

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