
Thursday 17 October 2013

❂ Full Moon in Aries Lunar Eclipse _/♥\_ OCT13

Eclipses generally come in pairs: one solar, the other lunar. With a Lunar eclipse coming up on Friday/Saturday (18th-19th), the following eclipse in two weeks’ time is an even more powerful and rare hybrid Solar Scorpio eclipse, on November 3rd. Both the Lunar and Solar eclipse provide a magical portal, karmic gates for incoming and outgoing universal consciousness – bringing energies that create external and internal shifts, which are often dramatic (18-year) turning points. This particular eclipse could even cultivate a pristine awareness of our self in relation to benefiting others, especially if the degree of the eclipse constellates our own horoscope.

This weekend's Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 26 Aries is a penumbral lunar eclipse, with a slightly paler Moon that may be difficult to perceive the difference between a normally glowing 'Hunter's Moon', yet almost impossible not to feel, as La Luna governs emotions. And as a beauty-orientated Libra Sun aligns with the courageous Aries Moon, the heavens symbolize a dynamic motivation between self, abandoning clinging to the ego, in favour of social harmony; as the fiery Ram ignites the ‘light of life’ the Scales seek a heart balance between intrigue and the straightforward, the material and spiritual, Love and Light, so that a full expression of wisdom and compassion can freely develop.

Events and situations this weekend remind us that Love-Wisdom is, in fact, our innate glowing radiant Buddha nature. If mindful to harness soul-control, this eclipse is an optimum time to embrace the karmic law of cause and effect and transform base passion and desire into pure vibrant love.

Regular Zodiac Heaven's Dharma Stars readers may be aware that during the eclipses sensitivity to subtle body energies is also heightened, as chakras, winds and channels are responsive to this delicate time when the luminosity of Sun, Moon and Earth cosmically coordinate to create a powerful and sacred moment of peace, introspection and insight, making this an optimum time to meditate.

The exact time of this eclipse is 7:50pm on the 18th EDT and 00:50BST, and will be more noticeable over Central Africa.

Thanks to unknown artist for Lotus love_/♥\_

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