
Thursday 31 October 2013

✴️ Dark Moon Halloween ~> 2013

Some moments are more enchanted and potent than others. At Halloween, when the veil between visible upper and unseen lower worlds is thinnest, mythical skeletons dance across the skies, and witches wing by on Birch tree brooms, it tends towards a magical time that gets deep, edgy, and powerful.  Halloween holds a mystical magic that can transform in a dream-like instant, purely by honoring the ancestors and all that has gone before - and by being ready for a dramatic renewal. And as tonight’s is a Dark Moon Halloween, it’s advisable to call upon our protectors, totems and guides, and all that can help the Spiritual Warrior maintain emotional balance, which is specifically important when crossing the karmic threshold of the fixed and focused New Moon Scorpio Solar Eclipse, November 3rd.

Bear in mind that while we are now at the peak of the on-going 3-year Uranus-Pluto square (more on that tomorrow), astrological Halloween is actually November 7th, when the Sun is at degree where we officially pass through the ‘Via Combusta’, a.k.a. ‘The Fiery Path’, when Spirit rises like a proverbial phoenix out of the ashes. 
All the while we have a myriad of sacred geometry providing anchors for practical magic, and heavenly pointers to where the fates are flying:

The ‘Kite’ formation harnesses a ‘Grand Earth Trine’ stimulating recuperative and regenerative conservation of resources; with the Dragon’s Tail (South Node) implementing the healing energies we bring with us, which can also be used in the future.

A ‘Mystic Rectangle’, made up of only helpful aspects, suggests spiritual stability throughout this eclipse period, until November 8th.

The ‘Finger of God’, pointing to Uranus, planet of awakening altruism for the next couple of days, with the life-giving Sun and destiny-fulfilling North Node (Dragon’s Head), in the sign of renewal and shared assets, joining forces with Mars in Virgo, sign of healing and discernment.  All this suggests many are currently creating intrepid communities, forming Sangha and affinities with kindred spirits, individuals who feel also the need to support others in this time of dramatic change to power structures and resources. 
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Happy Halloween everyone!
Thanks to unknown artist for Mahakala Dharma protector ~> May all beings be protected from fear and want. _/♥\_

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