
Friday 25 October 2013

✶ Autumnal Heart Star ~ Oct 13

The Six-Pointed Sacred Star is fleetingly back tonight/tomorrow, as the ‘Grand Sextile Merkaba’ twinkles overhead in the autumnal sky. Formed by two interlocking triangles, Earth and Water, the Double Tetrahedron creates a transcendental stargate that empowers the Divine Feminine (within) and her inspired life-force.

The Water triangle renews resources that purify obscuration and generate spiritual healing; whilst the Earth Trine (including the all-important south node, especially in between eclipses) emphasizes the healing power of the Goddess, to remain grounded whilst the heart chakra arouses pure Buddha nature, opening to love and kindness, peace and compassion.

Om Om Om ☼✶•*¨*•.¸¸✶ ॐ_/♥\_

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