
Monday 22 July 2013

☽ 3rd Super Moon ~> Guru Purnima ~> Mary Magdalene July '13

The resplendent Sun now at 0 Leo, opposite the Super Moon in Aquarius, marks the Full Moon also known as ‘Guru Purnima’, ‘the teacher’s moon’, honouring the illuminating spiritual instructor (which the aspirant carries within at the heart (of his or her own Sun)). Guru devotion is something often misunderstood in western society, as we often think we can achieve enlightenment (or whatever) without being shown or taught. Its true, a few do have the karma to be self-illuminating. But for the most part we need a helping hand to guide. Which is where the teacher steps in. And in the words of a most precious guiding light, H.H. 14th Dalai Lama, “The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis.” __/♥\__

☼☽ ~> From the astrological point of view, ‘The Luminaries’ now in Sun-ruled Leo and group-orientated Aquarius reveal the altruistic self, to find one’s place within humanity. Leo lives for love and drives towards self-knowledge, while Aquarius makes use of such perception for the benefit of others (often within a collective situation). This Super Moon therefore has the potential to mobilize a mass-movement with intuition and awareness, enhancing both individual and universal consciousness, to inspire hope for the future.

This Super Guru Moon also coincides with the celestial Goddess, Venus, being with fixed star, Regulus, at the heart of regal Lion (wonderful marker for a Royal birth). It is also the feast day of Mary Magdalene.

Revering the wisdom of the Divine Feminine as Guru, image is of White Tara surrounded by Five Buddha Families, with thx __/♥\__

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