
Friday 3 May 2013

Last Quarter Healing Tara Moon in Aquarius ~> May 2013

This last quarter Green Goddess Tara Moon in airy Aquarius opens the mind to the zany, wild and innovative. Keep eyes open to opportunity –especially the wisdom eye! ;) _/✿\_

This healing Moon is in a tight ‘T-square’ to the fertile Sun/Mars opposition to slow-moving Saturn, reflecting a slow-to-start spring (in the Northern hemisphere). Indeed, its only 6 weeks to Summer Solstice, when Saturn at last reaches the degree at which he begins to go forward, in early July. Meanwhile, patience when taking care of the heart-mind and soul, through diligent self-supporting work and overcoming obstacles, is as important as seeing where one stands and what motivates us in a group situation, even if only shooting the breeze with loyal friends. Connecting with others today, such as the cyber tribe or real life sangha, can even clarify and organise ideas and thoughts which facilitate personal change, as well as help generate (and employ) the altruistic intention, to be of benefit to all beings.

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says "With a selfish attitude, one’s self is important, and others are not so important. According to Shantideva's advice, a technique to help in turning this attitude around is to imagine - in front of yourself as an unbiased observer - your own selfish self on one side and a limited number of other beings on the other side - ten, fifty, or a hundred. On one side is your proud, selfish self, and on the other side is a group of poor, needy people. You are, in effect, in the middle - as an unbiased, third person. Now, judge. Is this one, single, selfish person more important? Or is the group of people more important? Think. Will you join this side or that side? Naturally, if you are a real human being, your heart will go with the group because the number is greater and they are more needy. The other one is just a single person, proud and stupid. Your feeling naturally goes with the group. By thinking in this way, selfishness gradually decreases, and respect of others grows. This is the way to practice."

Image of Green Tara ~> "Om Tara Tutare Ture Soha" _/✿\_

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