
Thursday 25 April 2013

Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio ~ April 25th 2013

☆~☽☼☾~☆ KARMA MULTIPLIED DAY – positive or negative - X 7,000,000

Opposing Spirit Sun in earthy Taurus, the highly sensitive Full Moon at 20:58BST (15:58EST) conjuncts karmic Saturn in Scorpio, as well fixed star Spica, which suggests that while all the skills we need are at hand, adopting a long-term and patient approach to any deeply emotional and personal metamorphosis will bring success. Even though this is a short lunar eclipse – only 27 minutes – it is the first of this year’s series of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses, when transforming desire and attachment requires taking responsibility for one’s own happiness – however hard that might be, the rewards for doing so are liberating.

Be realistic. Know that Buddha nature is pure, bright and alive, radiating in the light of our being. Three planets in Taurus urge us to be practical: eat well, sleep well and live simply, fully in the NOW; but give ourselves a good 6 months as a yardstick to measure any deep and meaning psychological remodelling. When training the heart-mind we need to recognise how love overcomes our inner-most fears; and loving one’s own demons is even a means to releasing and letting go of negative obscuration.

Bear in mind the next new moon, May 10th, is a Solar Eclipse, followed by a penumbral Lunar Eclipse (not seen, but felt) on May 25th, which is also Sakadawa, celebrating Buddha's birth, enlightenment and paranirvana; Sakadawa also a SuperMoon, when tides are high and the earth can move – in more ways than one.

The above dates are optimum for the full-power meditation that can at once provide spiritual stability, as well as incredible emotional insight. Best prepare your sacred space and provide a safe and solid foundation for a rich spiritual practice that transforms personal values and shared resources. This is the year of the Water Snake, after all, and Scorpio is related directly to the transmutational Kundalini Shakti, Serpent Power and Divine energy __/❤\__ to be raised with tender care, discipline and love.

thanks to unknown artist for Buddha Earth _/\_

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