
Monday 25 March 2013

Full Libra Moon ~ March 27th '13

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Wednesday the 27th's Full Moon in Libra at 9:27gmt (5:27EST) accents the power of individual LOVE, TRUTH and FREEDOM, uniting to be at ONE, with self, loved ones, friends, a team or even society. This is quite a powerful influence, as the harmonious and relationship orientated Libra Moon opposes Spirit Sun exalted in Aries, next to loving Venus, and the current Mars-Uranus conjunction rousing impulsive if not heroic quick change – be that change within ourselves, loved ones or peer group.

With so many planets in the sign of assertive and courageous Aries, understanding the position of ‘hero’ is imperative. In Buddhism the hero is not one who conquers by slaying the innocent and perceived foes. Our heroes are Spiritual Warriors who gently overcome destructive desires and aversions to liberate his or her own ego

So while this brilliant mid-week Libra Moon provides illuminating insight onto self, particularly in relationship, the planets also indicate self-love is an important factor when being with friends, or in fast-moving situations, when raising altruism also melts away fiery anger and ego. To valiantly put the benefit of others before self is the Bodhisattva ideal; doing so actually makes us more compassionate, likeable and sociable. Accepting this may not always be easy with the materialistically driven ego stimulated at every turn, practice makes perfect. And even if we don’t always succeed in caring for others in the manner to which we aspire, it’s important not to berate one’s self, but to now make necessary adjustments to character - and strategy, and recognise personal good points that can be developed and relied upon in the future. ❤ This is the way of the heart

Astro-tech: Also worth bearing in mind is how, in Esoteric Astrology, the hierarchical ruler of Aries is Uranus, the eccentric visionary planet which emphases the unique talent that each person brings to the collective. Thus the Aries individuality and its call for brave action perfom best when the focus is upon working with others, making the world a better place. Alone we may not make a difference, but together we can - and put on a great show

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Image of GuanYin ~Buddha of Compassion dancers from the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe ~> with thx - So inspiring what we can do when we work in harmony: These girls are all either mute of deaf.

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