
Friday 1 February 2013

☆~☽✪☾~☆ Imbolc Blessings ☆~☽✪☾~☆ Jan'13

1st – 7th Feb ~>

Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, is a Solar festival celebrating the first light returning (in the northern hemisphere). As such, it is a sacred festival of honouring the Light of consciousness; with the Sun in Aquarius it unifies Light workers in world service.

Thus the Western tradition now venerates the return of youthful hope and fertility, revering the Goddess Brigitte, patroness of poets, crafts, smiths, healing and midwives _/✿\_

This ‘cross-quarter’ Aquarian Fire festival marks the middle of a season; and has the quality of ‘Fixed Air’ with its determined call to purify body, speech and mind. It’s now time to spring clean, (and get ready for next week’s Tibetan New Year of the Black Water Snake!) before gathering with friends and shooting the airy Aquarian breeze.

Yet with Spirit Sun now in hard square to the taskmaster Saturn, the importance of keeping a healthy balance of work and socialising is paramount. Whilst being with kindred spirits is a way to keep body and soul together, it may well be the serious business of a labour of love that keeps one busy over the next few days. _/♥\_

Purification Mandala from the Family of Light ~ with thx _/♥\_

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