
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Inauguration Guru Rinpoche Day ~> Jan 21st 2013

Most Auspicious Guru Rinpoche Day! _/❤\_

Spirit Sun in humanitarian Aquarius & emotive Moon in communicative Gemini, who is currently conjunct Jupiter, the zodiac’s cosmic Guru, making this a very special day to practice dharma, connect to the (inner) teacher, and give thanks for all the loving kindness and wisdom shown.

The lights – Sun & Moon – are in stimulating Air signs today, bringing people together and at the same time accenting the free-thinking individual heart-mind that is bursting with fresh new altruism. Giving such uniqueness the space it requires to grow and blossom within the greater whole celebrates the kind of integral freedom which liberates the ego; all the while the very same selflessness unites mind, body and spirit.

When the Moon is with Jupiter in Gemini, it’s a beautiful time for being with kindred spirits, shooting the breeze, and realising just how blessed we are _/❤\_

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