
Friday 28 December 2012

The Spirit of Forgiveness ~> Full Moon in Cancer_/♥\_ Dec 2012

_/♥\_ 2012’s last Full Moon beaming 7Cancer at 10:20gmt tomorrow morning (5:20amEST, 14:50pm Delhi). Whilst living in the NOW, there’s always an element of nostalgia with historical and memorable Cancer, the sign which rules the Moon. As we look back over this momentous 2012: the once-in-a-lifetime Venus Transit, Mayan Solstice alignment, transformational Uranus-Pluto squares, not to mention the Diamond sparkling London Olympics and a search for the God Particle, we can see how far we have come in the combined awakening of the heart-mind.

Without sounding too dramatic, the heavens now suggest we have reached the point of awareness in ‘Unity Consciousness’ when we can release ourselves from the fear of mortality, heal deeply engrained negative emotions and, if you think that’s a tough mission call, take personal responsibility to play a unique part of the collective transformation. In other words nothing is going to change, unless we change as individuals. And that means dropping self-abuse along with any violence, anger or hatred, towards others; and living a life of loving-kindness and compassion. As the Sun is conjunct Pluto, planet of endings and beginnings, now is the time to make such a transition.

In many ways this Full Moon has the power to release the past in the spirit of forgiveness. With its’ ‘Grand Water Trine’ there’s a sense of completion, watching Spirit flowing through Samsara’s countless phases of cyclic life, death and rebirth, in order to maintain a Divine natural harmony, and to emerge from the emotional depths, lighter and much refreshed

With that, I wish you all a very happy Full Cancer Moon and a wonderful New Year. May all beings be Happy & Enlightened; and may our accomplishments be the most eminent attainments on the path: renunciation, compassion, unshakable faith and realization of the correct view _/♥\_

Image 'Full Moon Tracking' by Visual Alchemy, with thx _/♥\_

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