
Sunday 9 December 2012

Lama Tsongkhapa & Dakini Day! Dec 2012

Light blessings _/☼\_ 8th/9th December 2012

Lama Tsongkhapa & Dakini Day ~> Tashi Delek! _/♥\_

Today in Tibetan Buddhism we feast and celebrate the life of Lama Tsongkhapa, Tibet’s great 14th century scholar and practitioner and founder the yellow hat Galug tradition.

_/♥\_ ~ ☼ ~ ♥ ~☽ ~ ☼ ~ ✯ ~ ♥ ~ ☼ ~ _/♥\_

From an astrological perspective, this weekend’s Libra Dakini Moon is feminine and cultured, inspired by beauty, peace and harmony. In good aspect to the far-reaching Sagittarian Sun, a poised Libra Moon coupled with a visionary archer leads the spirited heart-mind towards joyful balance, rendering a great weekend for social merry-making with friends and loved ones.

Coming after two change-inducing eclipses, this Dakini Moon also heralds the end of another eclipse season (until April 2013) and effectively brings the solar 2012 year to a close; for these next few days are when the luminaries, Sun and Moon, are at their least bright (in the northern hemisphere) and come to a closing cycle. Both New Moon and the north's shortest day, Winter Solstice, are still days away until Yule's turning point. Its therefore important to also rest and nourish mind and body at this time of year, keeping ones’ internal light aflame, especially before the new Sagittarian Moon on the 13th, which immediately follows the numerically charged darkest day of the year, 12:12:12 – These numbers suggest a triple layered solar logos: outer, inner & secret, i.e personality (self) in relation to environment and spirit, having the will to seed the everyday reality of love-wisdom and compassion. _/♥\_

Thangka from the collection of His Emminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche _/♥\_with thx 

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