
Saturday 22 December 2012

Guru Rinpoche Day _/♥\_ Dec 22 2012

Guru Rinpoche Day ~> Solstice feasting continues today by honouring our teachers. With the Winter Solstice Sun & exalted Moon in stabilising Taurus we celebrate the preservation of the good life: food on the table, shelter over our heads, warm and loving friends, guides and teachers. Though easy to take for granted, not everyone in the world has the sustenance of such life-affirming simple pleasures. Giving thanks now, especially as the new era of ‘Unity Consciousness’ begins to form in the collective heart- mind _/♥\_

Watch the action as La Luna grows in light, heading towards the Full Christmas Moon on the 28th December at 10:21GMT, 7 degrees Cancer. Spirit Sun will be with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, signifying a renewal and TRANSFORMATION of all that no longer serves, be that emotional and/or practical: Great time to renew vows, or make early New Year’s resolutions. You may even notice a dramatic change in attitude towards traditional support systems.

Image is of Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born founder of Tibetan Buddhism, whose mantra is "Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum" _/♥\_ ૐ :)

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