
Saturday 3 March 2012

Losar Guru Rinpoche Day ~> 3rd March 2012

Spirit Sun opposes dynamic Mars during today’s Guru Rinpoche day, the first in our year of the inscrutable Dragon; and the currently perceptive Moon conjoins active Mars in a few days time for the Losar Full Moon ‘Day of Miracles’ on the 8th March (International Woman’s day!). The inspired Pisces Sun encourages spiritual service, showing compassion and kindness to all beings, while a retrograde Mars in Virgo can get ultra-critical, stuck in the discerning search for personal perfection. Though a helpful and rather auspicious trine formation between today’s Pisces Sun and the receptive Moon, now at home in super-sensitive Cancer, suggests applying skilful means – patience, insight and analytical reasoning quickly clears thinking clouded by unrelated feelings, to tell the difference between illusion and delusion. Recognising what is real or pure fantasy calms this potentially tricky aspect between Sun and Mars. Good time for healing rifts and familiarising oneself with what is truly healthy for body and soul _/♥\_ ૐ

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