
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Leo full Moon ❤ Feb 2012 ❤ The LOVE thing

☆~☽❤ ☼ ❤☾~☆ Whoo-hoo ~> LEO FULL MOON tonight, reflecting the intelligent ‘light that shines across the sea’ from a friendly Aquarian Sun = it’s A LOVE THING that stimulates the heart-mind!

At the exact time of the 18 degree Full Moon 21:54 GMT (-5 for NY; +5 1/2 Delhi) Spirit Sun conjuncts Mercury, the celestial courier; news and/or conversations could be a wake-up call, to the point, and insightful. Mercury always carries a healing message. What we learn now impacts upon our integrity in the coming months (especially while dynamic Mars is retrograde in principled Virgo). So get ready to drop the sun-ruled-Leo-ego and radiate a generous and steady kind of ardour that reaches to the edges of the universe, melting even the iciest heart at this Imbolc Valentine Full Leo Moon! __(❤)__

Also worthy of astro note, whilst out moon-bathing, is how the Lord of Karma, Saturn, goes retrograde today (until just after Summer Solstice, going all the way back to 22 Libra); still exalted in the sign of the scales, the heavenly taskmaster teaches us to be responsible for the love we share and to remain balanced within. From a calm centre we have more chance of realising how truth, peace and justice are the means of living in harmony upon our oh-so beautiful planet. __(❤)__

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