
Wednesday 24 August 2011

LOVE HEALS Dakini Day & Moon in Cancer ♥ ☽✩

Dakini Day's celestial message: ♥ LOVE HEALS! ♥

Sensitive Moon in home water sign Cancer today ~> Activating, as per every month (for quite some time), the Cardinal Cross of the Central Spiritual Sun (and we are getting to know what THAT means;)). This time the cross comes alive with powerful Goddess energy providing this perfect monthly opportunity to raise the cosmic vibration and meditate upon love, compassion and the Bodhi heart-mind.

La Luna is opposite extreme Pluto, suggesting profound insight and/or intense emotions can bubble up from the depths. Surpressing feelings or any sensation that might be too difficult or troublesome to handle or look at, have a habit of coming back triple fold later on, unless we get to the core of an issue and transmute the energy. Now is the time to just that by being aware to the open loving heart and let the healing be strong. Shamanic sky dancers please take note of fabulous connections to the earthy and productive Virgo VENUS and the radiant perfect SUN, who are now in harmonious sextile to the emotional MOON, as well as being in easy trine to transformational Pluto, all the while opposing healing Chiron, in watery Pisces (conjunct Neptune, just to compound the oceanic essense of Samsara). ~> & Bless all water to be restructured with LOVE & make headway into healing self and planet. _(♥)_

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