
Friday 10 December 2010

Xmas Astro Alert ~ Mercury Rx 10th --> 30th Dec

Astro Alert! Mercury retrograde for the entire run up to Christmas & New Year! So don’t forget to double check everything from signing contracts to meeting friends, and making plans for the months ahead; from Friday the 10th until the 30th of December we may well need to revise, re-work and/or re-submit ideas and dates. So no crying over long queues at the post office or missing Xmas cards – you have been warned! In any event, even Santa could also be just as easily confused by a melting arctic. Best be prepared to become our own objective observer and accept it might take several attempts to achieve certain goals, particularly career ambitions, as Mercury back-flips from Capricorn into Sagittarius on the 18th December. Plan of action? Organise as best we can and still mark ‘PARTY’ at the Winter Solstice in big letters the calendar. 

In many ways, as this lunation culminates with a Lunar eclipse at the Solar Standstill, on Tuesday, Dec 21st, as the Sun will rise above our wintry horizon to point directly at the galactic centre, we could well be presented with a defining moment in our evolution.

Thanks to Bill Brouard for the beautiful Buddha with watchful eyes!


  1. Recently read most of Drunvalo Melchizedek's book "Serpent of Light: Beyound 2012" where he talks of a shift in the Earths energy field linked to the precession of the equinox and the direction of movement of the Earths pole now going towards the galactic centre. Yes I thought this was about 29 Sag, and couldn't square this with the equinox moving into Aquarius. Am I misunderstanding or is Drunvalo not as good an astrologer as he is a ceremonialist?

  2. Hi JonnyM, I can't speak about Drunvalo's astrology because I don't really know him or how he works with it; but I can say that that Age of Aquarius doesn't seem to have a fixed date. Most of the academic astrological world would put the age of Aquarius at around 2300-ish... But people can see all kinds of connections as to why it would be here now, even. At the moment some 6 degrees of Pisces come up at the eastern horizon at spring equinox, so we have a way to go before Aquarius is that marker.

    I'd say go easy on Malchezideck; the flower of life is lovely, and he's got some good intentions. But I don't actually hold with 2012 in astrological terms. As you might have guessed, I think we're already there: lunar solstice 2010 is the new 2012!
    enjoy :)

  3. Ok thanks, my confusion was between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, thinking that the pole is moving into Aquarius but that means tropical Aquarius, so that IS square the galactic centre (around end of Scorpio tropical)

  4. Do you mean around the end of Sag tropically, Jonny?

    And GC is actually in a VERY wide sextile to the current anyanamsa (not a square).

  5. Jonny,Mercury retrograde! I double checked and you are absolutely right, the solstice lunar eclipse (conjunct the GC) IS exactly square the current sign rising according to vedic astrology. Thanks for making me think!!! :) Sending you Solstice blessings, with love laura

  6. Drunvalo says in his book that this precessional cycle, with the Earths pole now square the GC and starting to move towards it coincides with a shift in the "attachment point of the Earth's kundalini" which has now mmoved from the Himalayas to the Andes.

    Don't know about that, but sounds good!

    Whats the justification for the age of Aquarius starting 2300ish? Sounds rather late...

    Hmm yes the solstice lunar eclipse conjunct the GC too. Oh how I love to read big things into little details!

  7. The precession takes 26000ish years; so there are approximately 2000ish years to a 30 degree sign on the eastern horizon at the spring equinox. We are now at 6 Pisces (going backwards) so we have another 6 degrees to go before 0 Aquarius comes up. If we say that 15 degrees is 1000years, then 7.5 degrees is 500. So the 2300 is about right for just about the changeover from Pisces to Aquarius. (GOt it?)

    Sorry about yesterday's mix up, I had my tropical head on when looking at a vedic kind of question, so i double checked and DM is right to note howthe Vernal Spring Equinox is square the GC. I'll have to 'sit' with this info for a while and ponder its meaning... The Earth's kundalini moving from the Himalyas to the Andes is a new (and intriguing) thought...
    as soon anything comes through from my side I'll let you know!
    :) Happy solstice!
